Stevie Nicks



Recenltly, our dughter surprised us with a Stevie Nicks  concert at Orlando’s Amway stadium. It was supposed to be a surprise and combined present for mother’s day,father’s day, and Rob’s and my respective birthdays.

I admittedly got curious about what the big surprise was, so I googled “events in Orlando May 25” and the Nicks concert was the first link that came up. WoW!

I  figured it would be like time traveling. After all, she was part of my college years, when the music all had men and women who became icons. Jimi Hendrixm Janis Joplin, the Rolling Stones, Joan Baez… You get the idea. There are certain pieces of music from her time with Fleetwood Mac that are connected to numerous good memories from the sixties.

When she came onstage, I think everyone in the 20,000-seat stadium was transfixed.Her voice is as powerful and sweeping as what I remember. Even though we were sitting high up, our seats were good, the view distant – but unobstructed.

The Amway stadium was really well organized, directing people to their seats, up this escalator, then this one…

So thank you again, Megger, for a fantastic night!!


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9 Responses to Stevie Nicks

  1. Caren Griffin says:

    You all look great. Love the smiles ❤️

  2. Darren B says:

    I’ve never seen Stevie play live, but I have seen Mick Fleetwood play live at Bluesfest in the BC days (Before Covid).
    I noticed Stevie’s birthday is May 26th, so that would have been the day after your concert/present.

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