The Mysterious Plant

In South Florida, a lot of plants grow wild and we can’t always identify them. This evening, while doing yard work, Rob saw this one and didn’t know what it is. I’ve seen it too and figured it was just one more interesting weed. So when we find an unidentified plant, we used a Google trick,

On the Google home page, in the search bar on the right, you’ll se a microphone and what looks like a camera. Click the camera icon and bring the mysterious plant into focus. Google immediately starts search . It comes up with an identical image of the plant an identifies it.

Turns out this plant is coffee!

No one planted it.  It has tiny seed pods on it that presumably will produce coffee beans. Once we’ve got beans, we’ll pick them and grind them and try it out. Stay tuned!

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3 Responses to The Mysterious Plant

  1. Caren Griffin says:

    I use that Google camera all the time. It’s not always perfect but it is pretty good. Also coffee shrubs make a good hedge. We’ve never gotten enough berries to do anything with. I think the birds get them first.

  2. Adele says:

    That’s a great tip I didn’t know. Also fascinating that you have coffee growing in your yard. Does this mean you need to grow your own coffee. LOL! Why not since it was given to you from the Earth goddess.

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