Jon’s Eerie Synchro

These photos were sent by Jon Posey, our podcast producer and tech magician.

In both, a young child and a dog are standing inside by a door watching someone or something outside. The bottom picture is Jon himself at 4 or 5,  standing with his uncle’s dog, in his uncle’s house ,1973 or so.

The top photo is young Carlie in 2013, standing in her Uncle Jon’s house, with her uncle’s dog.

50 years apart, same event in an uncle’s house, with the uncle’s dog, doing the same thing, peering out the door. Jon says he doesn’t have any idea what the synchro means. My only idea is that something in Jon’s life may be entering a cycle.

It’s an eerie one.

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4 Responses to Jon’s Eerie Synchro

  1. Priscilla Dagostino says:

    How cool. Love it

  2. Adele says:

    Love this one, what ever it brings probably is good news

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