A Death


At 12:18 a.m. on June 7, my brother in law Neal called and said, “I can’t believe I’m calling to tell you Mary just died . A cardiac arrest.”

The shock of this kind of call is indescribable. It leaves a hole in the center of your life that you know won’t ever be filled. Mary had gone into ER earlier in the evening because she felt the worst she’d ever felt. The doctors determined she had a strep infection but didn’t know the source. Neal said the infection had  gone to her heart.

Rob and I left the next day, drove to Megan’s  to stay overnight and continued to Georgia  the next day. Mary’s three sons and their wives and kids were already here, all of us mourning differently but finding comfort in each other’s presence.

I immediately started hoping to see evidence that she  was around in spirit.The day we left,we asked for a sign and saw the most unusual rainbow we’ve ever seen. It’s at the top of the post. The second sign happened when I was sitting on the porch with Nigel while he ate and I looked up and a hummingbird was right in front of my face, so close I could see its beautiful brown eyes.

So I believe my sister is with us, doing what she did in life, exploring the afterlife through birds and animals and rainbows.

RIP, Mary.

Please keep making your presence known.


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16 Responses to A Death

  1. Darren B says:

    I was listening to an old 42 Minutes podcast you guys were on talking about your book ‘The Synchronicity Highway’ and it struck me how much the cover of the book looked like your photograph above with the funny streaky clouds –

  2. lauren raine says:

    Once again, and belatedly, my sympathies to both of you.

    In 2014 my brother died, after having been on life support for years. 6 months later my 97 year old mother died as well – I was not surprised, as they had been so close. That summer I decided to visit Camp Chesterfield in Indiana, an old Spiritualist community that is also close to Mound State Park. There I had a reading with a medium, an elderly lady named Patricia Kennedy. She met me in her very cluttered office, and talked while she seemed to be scribbling numbers or something on a piece of paper. Then she casually looked up at me and said: “Florence and Glenn say hello”. I had not told her their names.

    Then she went on to say that my mother was holding out roses, and my brother said he was making music again. My mother grew up in Pasadina, California, home of the Rose Parade, and was an avid rose gardener. My brother had been a talented musician in his youth, before depression and drugs made his life lonely and hard. Such a sense of happiness filled the room with that, and I felt completely freed to move on and know they were more than fine.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Wow, tht’s a beasutiful story, Lauren. It’s why I love Spiritualists. as mediums, they pick up that kind of detail

  3. Jennifer Dassel says:

    Just wanted to extend my sympathy to both of you on the passing of Trish’s sister Mary. I read the blog post about the hummingbirds, and it was amazing! I liked the comment from Darren B pointing out the amber “caution” light pointing to that unusual rainbow. Perhaps the “caution” light was an encouragement to Trish to be careful as to not lose hope over the loss of her sister? I’m mystified by the unusual strait, wispy clouds above the rainbow, radiating towards the heavens. Are these perhaps some kind of beings reassuring you both that they escorted her upwards to where she belongs?

  4. Dale Dassel says:

    Trish, I am so very sorry for your loss. I know that words aren’t enough in a time like this, but the unmistakable message of the hummingbird is a sure sign from your sister. Mary is safe and well on the other side, and she came back to comfort you. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

  5. Adele says:

    Trish, I am so sorry to learn this about your sister. I love the story of the hummingbird. Amazing and comforting. Sending you a rainbow of love.

  6. Darren B says:

    Sorry to hear of your loss but amazed to hear about your rainbow and hummingbird synchronicities.
    Your book ‘Synchronicity and the Other Side’ which you sent me years ago because of my cat story that was in it had a hummingbird on the cover and I wrote a post about it called ‘Hummingbird Synchronicities’ here –
    I like how the amber traffic light SIGNal in the photo is pointing to the rainbow.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I remember that story, Daz. Am going back to read your post on hummingbirds.

      • Darren B says:

        I take it from your opening line of this post – “At 12:18 a.m. on June 7, my brother in law Neil called and said …”,
        that Mary passed on the 6th of June, the anniversary of Carl Jung’s passing?

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