Pluto: the Great Equalizer?

Will Pluto’s last gasp in Capricorn – at least until May 2024, when Pluto briefly retrogrades back into it – be Trump’s final reckoning? Here’s why I’m thinking it’s likely.

It’s ironic that Pluto, demoted from it’s planetary status in 2006, is now deemed a “dwarf” planet. Astrologers ignore it at their own peril.

Pluto was briefly in Aquarius from March 23, 2023 to June 11, 2023. Aquarius is a democratically oriented sign, the sign of ordinary people. As astrologer Michelle Perrin said, once Pluto enters Aquarius, ”…a lot of the overreach of power that was accumulated during the Pluto transit in the Capricorn era (2008 – 2023) could start to see the push back from ordinary people and we can expect the trend to  accelerate over the upcoming years. Pluto in Aquarius is David fighting Goliath – and winning.”

On June 9, while Pluto was in equalizer Aquarius – and just 2 days before it retrograded back into Capricorn – the prosecution charged trump with 37 felonies, including 31 counts under the Espionage Act of “willful retention” of classified records.So for Trump this major transit looks like, Karma, baby. You’ll finally be held accountable.


This is trump we’re talking about. Say the trial is delayed and runs into the election and he wins. Then he pardons himself and that’s it. Off the hook again and ready to topple democracy this time around!

Thing is, Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2044. A generation of reckoning.He’ll be 97 when it finally enters Pisces. And if Pluto really is the great equalizer, he’ll be in prison. Also the wannabe autocrats and politicians like DeSantis and his ban books and ban trans and people of color and everything else that he deems “woke”will be just a sad, pathetic blip in history that died when ordinary people came together and shouted, “Enough! Fuck off!”

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2 Responses to Pluto: the Great Equalizer?

  1. Priscilla Dagostino says:

    Let hope.

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