Tomorrow,  Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, one of two signs that it rules.

In 2023, there are 4 Mercury retrogrades. They come along every 3 months or so and are marked primarily by miscommunication. These times, which last about 3 weeks, are best navigated by: revising, reconsidering, and reviewing. And there are plenty of DO NOTS to follow:

– Don’t start anything new

– Don’t sign contracts

– Don’t move or put your home on the market

– Don’t buy anything with moveable parts like a car or a computer

– If possible, don’t travel long distance unless you remain flexible because your schedule is likely to change

– Don’t have surgery. Even though surgery is ruled generally by Mars, too many things can go wrong. The worst case I’ve heard about involved a friend’s dog. She had a torn ACL in one leg and the vet operated on the wrong leg, so the poor dog had to go through the surgery and recovery again, on the leg with the torn ACL.

– I’ve bought a car and a computer during a Merc retro and regretted it. I returned the car in less than a year and the computer never worked correctly. We also moved during a retrograde in my sign, Gemini, and it was a mess from start to finish.

– Don’t start anything new or make submissions.

However, there are positive things that can happen during these periods. People from your past may show up. A relationship or situation gains a certain clarity that has been lacking. If you do travel during a retro, it’s likely you’ll return to the same destination again. Issues from the past crop up and that can be positive or negative depending on the issue.

For Geminis and Virgo, whose signs are ruled by Mercury, these retro periods can be super irritating. Just try to go with the flow and when you communicate, take nothing for granted.

The next Mercury retro begins December 12 at 11:09 PM PT, and December 13 at 2:09 AM ET, in Capricorn and Sagittarius. It ends on January 1, 2024 at 10:08 PM ET and 7:08 AM PT. So this one may mess up your gift-buying for the holidays – best to buy before December 12 – and takes us into the new year.



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