Rudy mugshot
Today, August 23, the first day of Mercury retro, Rudy Gulliani, once the celebrated mayor of NYC and a prized prosecutor, surrendered at the Fulton County Courthouse.
In his time, Gulliani, prosecuted major mafia figures under the Rico Act, the very thing he was charged with by prosecutor Fanis Willis.
This synchronicity strikes me as a trickster, the universe shaking its finger at ole Rudy, chanting, Ah, you big baby, wah-wah-wah…
Rudy is 79. He would be facing years in prison, the rest of his life. I think the odds are good that he will flip.
C’mon, Rudy. Stop whining and flip… Maybe that’s what the trickster is laughing about.
Then there’s this mug shot, which happened today. An historic event.