TMU Time Machine: Kenneth Hopkins Joe Killian And Mellisa Fordham – Scary Ascension

Join Trish and Rob as they revisit their May 2022 conversation with…

Melissa Fordham, a young woman who used to babysit our daughter when she was a kid, wrote Trish about an experience her cousin, Joe Killian, had. She asked Trish if she would talk with Joe through email. So it’s a synchronicity that she happened to be in South Florida this weekend, visiting her parents, and didn’t know we were having Joe on the show.
In January 2019, Joe had an alien encounter that, in his words, turned his life upside down. He’s a retired elementary Physical Education school teacher from Danbury CT, where he taught from January 1973 to June 2009 in public schools.
He also worked in many restaurants to help supplement his income during those years.
That’s why he’s connected to the place and area where his encounter occurred. He has been familiar with restaurant staff, owners, and customers at that restaurant, so he knows many of them and they are still great friends.

Trish met Kenneth through LinkedIn, where he’d written, “For most of my life I had no awareness that I was an abductee. The night experiences I thought were dreams. In these, I would visit many places and see the same people many nights after I fell asleep. I thought they were dream people. I could smell, touch them, and have all six senses with them. Some places were cold, some places warm and in other places, I couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen in.…”

So we invited both men to talk about their experiences and invited Melissa to talk about what Joe initially told her.

Here’s the You Tube of the episode:

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