A Jimi Hendrix synchro

About the only time I (Rob) listen to music these days is when I’m in the gym or biking, connecting to Spotify on my phone and earbuds. Often times I listen to mixes that were created by Spotify based on songs I’ve listened to previously.

The other day at the gym a Jimi Hendrix song came up which kind of surprised me because I don’t think I’ve ever played a Hendrix song for many. many years.  I happened to look up and on the gym’s video screen was who else but Jimi Hendrix. He was playing another song, but it was still a curious synchronicity since there was no cause and effect for Hendrix to be simultaneously on my phone and the gym’s video. What made it even more interesting was the name of the song. It was The Wind Cries Mary. Mary is the name of Trish’s sister who died June 6. Shortly after her death I had a dream in which she was talking to me and gave me a message to tell Neal, her bereaved husband.

I told the dream to a couple of family members and they said, “Don’t tell him that.” So I didn’t for awhile, but eventually he found out. The message was: “Neal will be married again in one year.” So three months have passed and he has been in frequent communication with a woman whose husband also died suddenly and unexpectedly.   So we’ll see how that dream works out.

Meanwhile, maybe the music synchro was another nod from Mary by way of the late Jimi Hendrix.

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2 Responses to A Jimi Hendrix synchro

  1. Adele says:

    that was a good one. Dreams may be mysterious but they don’t lie.

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