
This evening (Jan 23), we joined our friends Paul and Susan at a Greek restaurant, then attended a Jesse Cook concert. Before we left the house, I asked for a synchronicity. Anything. From anywhere. My synchro or someone else’s, it didn’t matter. I’m not picky in that regard.

So we had a wonderful Greek dinner – spinach pie, a Greek salad, Greek wine, and headed off to the concert. Fantastic. Stand up and shout and clap, and astanding ovation sort of concert. The energy emanating in the auditorium of a local college was magnificent.

Afterward, Susan pulled out of the parking lot at warp speed and onto a busy road. There were two left-turn lanes. She slipped into the right of the two lanes.  “Not too long ago,” she said, “Paul and I pulled out of here, into this lane, and  I had this sudden feeling that I should get into the left  lane. So I did. Seconds later, this car in the right lane slammed into the car in front of it – where we had been.  Paul looked at me and wanted to know how I knew to get into the left lane. It was just a feeling, you know?”

“Just a feeling” is a hunch. A hunch  is an impulse, a  knowing deep in your gut, your cells, your very blood, that urges you to do something, say something, act in a particular way that defies logic and reason. If you ignore such feelings, you do so at your own peril. Hunches and impulses are the verbs in synchronicity’s lexicon.

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7 Responses to Hunches

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Gemel! I love it when hunches are, well, practical!

  2. Gemel says:

    Love it…..

    I was out looking for a pair of rain boots yesterday (in the middle of summer!) And was about to give up, when I was directed to an aisle that I already looked down, and there they were, about seven pairs of rain boots, and yes there was one just my size.

    Can't live without my hunches either x

  3. T. Thorn Coyle says:

    thought you all might like today's blog:

    blessings – Thorn

  4. Nancy says:

    Absolutely. Listen to the "little voice", which might not actually be a voice, just a "feeling." It will never let you down,

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – what a story!
    Interesting etymology on hunch – and is that WV a trickster??

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, and voice's other lesson – when in dover, go the straight and narrow in the truest sense, no stops, no detours! 🙂

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    first of all, reading this was like deja vu – even had to stop a moment and decipher the what of it all – in any event, first, i thought i'd actually read this post before – was sure i had – and then, the image of my own such situation came and i realized that i had had nearly the exact same experience – may have even posted about it – now i have to go poke around and see – but – back to this post – so true the message!! prime example is that a month or so ago i was in dover [about 20 miles north] and headed home after a not so fun time there – went by a friend's office but he wasn't there so i didn't stop but his office is located at a point where i can either turn right and go the "back way" home or continue forward and go on the main highway – i distinctly remember having this whole mental discussion about which way to go – and against my own voice telling me to take the highway, i want the back way – i mean, the voice could not have been clearer or louder – but i didn't listen – so i'm cruising along singing along with van the man – could not have heard thunder in the front seat – my mind is somewhere else totally – and then, like a bolt of lightning, i "come to" in the middle of this little backwoods town that i know well – that is known for its radar speed traps – and i'm doing 55 mph in a 25mph when i look up to see the trooper sitting there waiting for me – the street is so narrow that i could have reached out and touched him when i slammed to a stop beside him – anyway – lesson learned – again – and again! 1st ticket in – ever –

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