We drove to Marietta, Georgia over the holidays to sped Christmas with my sister’s husband and family. The drive back non the 28th was a nightmare of traffic, with two accidents on I-75 that necessitated taking back roads to get around them. When we finally reached a rest stop, we were out of water, snacks and patience. I made a beeline for the machines and found that most of them were empty.
I found the one machine that still had water and soda and got out my dollar bills. But the machine refused to take them. I kept turning the bills this way and that and smoothing them out to try again. Suddenly, this man comes over, taps a card against the payment window. “Help yourself,” he says.
I thanked him, punched the button for the water, and the bottle tumbled out. I turned to hand him my $3, but he already had disappeared into the crowd. So even in a world that seems more divisive daily, random acts of kindness still happen.
Driving in and around Atlanta is always a nightmare and I know it’s worse during the holidays. My kids had to drive thru there also coming to FL from TN. Yes, there are still kind people in this world. My other daughter from PA was here also and we stopped at a thrift store and ended up buying a heavy wooden end table. We got it out of the store and as we were both struggling to lift it into the back of my SUV along comes a woman (not young either), and helps us lift it into the car. We thanked her of course but by the time we turned around we saw her disappear into the store. Good to know there are still kind people out there.
Yes, that sort of random, “Let me help you out.”
Hooray for those quiet goodfolks
I feel there are more of them than I thought.