When we began researching synchronicity, Rob started collecting articles about the topic. Many of the articles are from the 1980s and went into a folder that he found recently.
A 1980s issue of FATE Magazine had a collection of “stunning coincidences that came from a book called The Book of Lists. And they’re real oddball synchros. We’re not sure if they qualify as global, but if some of them happened today, they would certainly appear somewhere on social media.
– Three men were hanged in London for the murder of Sir Edmund Berry at Greenberry Hill. Their names? Green, Berry, and Hill.
– The family of Noel McCabe was listening to a recording of Frankie Laine singing The Wild Goose, when a Canadian goose crashed through a window into a bedroom of their home of Kingston Street in Derby, England.
This next one might very well be global. It’s definitely precognitive.
-In the months before June 6, 1944, the day of the Normandy invasion, a London Daily Telegraph crossword puzzle included many top-secret code words used in the Allied World War II operations: Omaha, Utah, Mulberry, Neput, and the code for D-Day itself, Overlord. The puzzle was constructed by a schoolmaster who couldn’t have had any knowledge of the use of the words as codes.