The Creative Flow – Like attracts Like

In our book The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, the fourth secret is called The Creative. It about the power of imagination combined with focus that manifests synchronicities through the law of attraction – like attracts like.

Recently, my focus on a couple of creative endeavors – both novels that I (Rob) am ghostwriting for other writers. One of the stories takes place during World War II and involves a professional art thief, who is also an art history professor and a member of an Iris mafia family in Boston. When a detective trails John Rollins and is about to arrest and charge him with thefts of masterpieces from wealthy Boston families, he slips away with a fake ID that he forged and enlists in the army. He’s sent to London where he eventually lands a job that allows him to see secret messages intercepted from the Germans that tell of the theft by Nazis of works of art from museums and Jewish families across Europe. Now John – who knows the location of some of the stolen art –  and several members of his Irish mob who have fled Boston for London create their own mission to steal back stolen Nazi art.

I wrote this story with no knowledge of a movie called Monument Men, which is about an authorized group of art historians who go to Europe in search of stolen art at the end of the war. I was well into the novel when I came across a description of the 2014 movie. It was strikingly similar to the story I was writing, except the mission in this story occurs earlier in the war when the Allies first found out about the art thefts. And there’s irony, of course, in that these guys are actually experienced art thieves themselves.

A short time after watching the movie,  Trish and I came across another  TV series set in WWII called All the Light That You Can’t See. It was about a blind young woman who sends coded radio messages to members of the French Resistance. If not for the novel I was writing, I probably would not have come across the movie or the TV series. But as  I said, like attracts like.

Now I’m ghostwriting another novel that takes place in Alaska and involves a combined Russian-North Korean invasion of the 49th state. Our daughter Megan, who knew nothing about this more recent novel, last week said we should watch Season 4 of True Detective, a series that features different stories and different actors each season. This one stars Jodie Foster. When we started watching the first episode, I was somewhat amazed and pleased to see that it was set in Alaska. Just what I was writing about. Again, like attracts like.

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