House & Color Synchros


This isn’t one of those mind-blowing synchros.It’s the kind of thing that happens in the course of an ordinary day. Maybe a touch of magic that perks things up. That maybe signals you’re on the right track despite what you’re left brain is screaming all the time.

Our daughter, Megan, is redoing the interior of her house so she can rent it for the months she’ll be in Washington state, working with whales. Some months ago, she replaced the flooring herself and thought she’d followed the directions. But when she started painting her walls, she realized there was a quarter of an inch of open space between the wall  and where the floor began.

So after doing some research, she bought some quarter round, a type of molding for baseboards that covers gaps and imperfections between the base and the floor. She didn’t pay any attention to the color. She just wanted something to fill in the gasp. She had painted the wall prairie brown  and was delighted when she discovered  the quarter round she’d bought happened to match it perfectly!


When we’re doing something that’s  personally important to us, synchronicity  may step in to facilitate the situation.

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