Full Moon VIrgo

Full moons often bring completion and news. The February 24 moon  at 5 degrees Virgo, is trined by Jupiter @10 degrees Taurus – in the 2nd house. Any time you enjoy a Jupiter trine, there’s an expansion of whatever you’re experiencing. However, Saturn @ 9 degrees Pisces in the 12th house is opposed to this moon. It tries to squash Jupiter’s expansion through the use of authority.

I’m not so sure, though, that it’s successful. Saturn is like the stern parent who insists that rules and regulations are followed. Jupiter is the joyous, optimistic kid who enjoys everyone and follows his heart.

The Virgo moon is detailed, precise, critical – and often self-critical. The news you hear is likely to be positive, upbeat but may have some caveats, perhaps guidelines you’re supposed to follow. So what’s in store for you?

Look here for how this moon impacts your sign.


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