What AI has to say about the dark trickster

There’s plenty in the news today about AI – dangers, benefits, give it a shot, folks. So we did. With the use of AI now available for free on certain websites, I decided to find out what it had to say about “dark trickster synchronicity” and entered those word in Google’s Bard. Here’s what it returned:

A dark trickster synchronicity is a negative or harmful coincidence that seems to be guided by a trickster spirit or entity. These synchronicities can be experienced as a series of events that seem to be working against you, or as a feeling of being constantly surrounded by bad luck.

Some people believe that dark trickster synchronicities are a way for the trickster spirit to teach us a lesson or to wake us up from our current path. Others believe that they are simply a reflection of our own negative thoughts and beliefs.

If you are experiencing dark trickster synchronicities, it is important to pay attention to the messages that they may be trying to convey. Are you feeling stuck in a negative pattern? Are you holding onto grudges or resentments? Are you afraid to take risks or step outside of your comfort zone?

Once you have identified the message, you can begin to take steps to change your situation. This may involve releasing negative thoughts and beliefs, forgiving others, or taking action towards your goals.

It is also important to remember that dark trickster synchronicities are not meant to punish you. They are simply a way for the universe to get your attention. If you are willing to listen, they can be a valuable tool for personal growth.

Here are some tips for dealing with dark trickster synchronicities:
Pay attention to the patterns. What are the common themes or symbols that keep appearing?
Ask yourself what the synchronicity is trying to tell you. What lesson are you being taught?
Don’t resist the synchronicity. The more you resist it, the stronger it will become.
Take action. If the synchronicity is trying to tell you to make a change, take action!
Be patient. It may take time to see the results of your actions.

Not too bad! And good advice.

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