Uranus/Jupiter Conjunction in Taurus

I read an article recently that implied  the quake in New Jersey/NY/East coast on April 5 was  due to the conjunction of Uranus/Jupiter. That conjunction will be exact 2 days from now, on April 20. Right now, the two planets are three degrees apart. It was noted that the last time this conjunction occurred was in 1941.

It’s true that Uranus rules sudden, unexpected events -including earthquakes. Jupiter rules expansion and Taurus is an earth sign. But just because the 2 planets are conjunct in Taurus doesn’t necessarily mean we’re due for a big quake on 4/20.

I brought up the astrological ephemeris for 1941 and found the two planets were conjunct within a degree of each other from May 6-9 and within a degree of each other for several days on either side of those dates. I then looked up earthquakes for those dates.

Turns out the strongest quake in May 1941 was a 7.4 in the British Solomon Islands. On that days, Jupiter was at 27 degrees and 24 minutes in Taurus and Uranus was at 26 degrees and 9 minutes in Taurus . So they were less than a degree apart.

However, if we go strictly by the astrological playbook,  Uranus and Jupiter will no longer be conjunct when the season begins. On May 25, Jupiter enters Gemini.


Strongest magnitude 7.4 Mw British Solomon Islands
Deadliest 6.0 Mw  China
132 deaths
Total fatalities 182
Number by magnitude
8.0–8.9 0
7.0–7.9 1
6.0–6.9 10

What IS true, though, is that the conjunction of these 2 planets in Taurus now,  in 2024, points to sudden changes in the earth caused by a number of factors, including global warming. Researchers at Colorado State University  anticipate 23 named storms for this hurricane season, which starts June 1 and ends November 30. An average season has 14 named storms.


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