Frog in the Window & the Lost Cat



This tree frog on the outside of my dirty office window is stalking an insect just above him. Usually, I see these guys during the hotter summer months, but today – April 10 – was warm – 88 but not too humid. We have the AC on tonight because there’s no breeze.When they appear out of season like this, I’m reminded that frogs are often a sign of good luck for me. This little guy  isn’t hurt or dying. He’s simply hungry.

On March 20, when we returned from the Dominican Republic, Megan’s cat, Indy (named after Indiana Jones) got out of the house and hasn’t come back. We think something in the backyard spooked him and he jumped the back fence. Here’s Indy.

We put up lost cat fliers in the neighborhood across the street, with Peggy Adams, local shelters and vets. He was sighted several times by Dillon and his sister in the neighborhood across the street. A cat loving woman in the neighborhood lent us  a no harm cage.

We put a dollop of sardines at the front of the cage, some cat food at the back. The first night, the cage caught a racoon. The second night, it caught a cat that resembled Indy. Another night, it was a kitten. Megan bought a trail camera, a complex piece of equipment that I didn’t program correctly the first couple of  nights. By the 3rd night, it caught photos of rustling leaves, of a dog passing by on the nearby sidewalk, of a guy on the sidewalk.

No Indy.

People in this neighborhood have been extraordinarily kind- texting us early on about sightings, allowing us to put the cage in their yards with the camera. This evening while Rob was setting up the cage in the yard where we’ve been putting it,  a woman across the street was walking her dog, so I went over to her with a lost cat poster. She already knew about Indy. She’d seen one of the fliers we put up in that neighborhood.

In recent days, no sightings. No texts. But tonight, the frog appeared. The first since Indy’s disappearance. Maybe it’s a sign, maybe it’s delusional on my part. But sometimes during Mercury retrogrades, we find what has been lost.

We’ll see.






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