Two of a Kind

Jeff  brought this synchronicity to our attention. It appeared in the U.K.’s The Telegraph and involves odd name connections. In this story, the name is Geraint Woolford – not exactly a Smith or a Jones, right? I liked Redon’s Buddha image image for this story. Trust me. It’s a lot more interesting than photos of the two Woolfords!

The Story

The only two men in Britain named Geraint Woolford ended up in neighboring beds in the same hospital.  Geraint Woolford, 77, was a patient at Abergele Hospital in North Wales when Geraint Woolford, 52, was admitted. Both are retired policemen.

The senior Woolford is a past president of the Conservative Club in his hometown of Llandudno.The younger Woolford is  the current vice-chairman of the Conservative Club 34 miles away in the town of Ruthin.The men had never met before and after checking back into their family trees found they were not related.Checks with public records  showed they are the only two people in Britain named Geraint Woolford.

Having two patients on the same ward with the same name caused a headache for staff who had to make sure they were dealing with the right one.The younger Woolford, who was in hospital for a partial knee replacement, said: “They had to double check and triple check everything. But we’ve both definitely had the right operations.It was just uncanny that we ended up in the neighbouring beds. I think the hospital would have been glad to see the back of us. It was a nightmare for them.”

The older Woolford, who underwent a hip replacement operation, arrived first. “They came to me and said that there was another Geraint Woolford coming in. I said, ‘Don’t be silly – there is only me here. There cannot be two of us.’ We had a lot of fun in hospital. Every time the staff came to me I said: “Are you sure that’s for me, are you sure you’ve got the right one?”

A hospital spokesman said: “It was an amazing coincidence – the chances of the only two Geraint Woolfords being admitted at the same time must be millions to one.”
Interesting, too, about the police and club connections and that both were in the hospital for joint replacements.

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5 Responses to Two of a Kind

  1. Vicki D. says:

    What an interesting story!
    Something similar has happened to me a few times but I am stilled surprised by it, about 4 times in my life I have met people who have siblings with the same names as my sisters, or if they have the same name as one of my sisters one of their siblings has my name.

  2. Natalie says:

    Wow, that is incredible.

  3. Butternut Squash says:

    Very interesting. It seems that there are more connections here than we may ever know.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    incredible, all the way down the line! so many layers the same! great great story!

  5. Doreen says:

    interesting story! they were suppose to meet for some reason.

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