Jupiter enters Gemini

NASA image of Jupiter


On May 25,  Jupiter enters Gemini – 7:15 p.m. EDT and 4:15 p.m. PT. and remains until June 9, 2025. This is good news for you air signs –  Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. But Aries and Leo will also benefit. Sagittarius? Jupiter will be opposed to your sun sign. More on that shortly.

The important thing to remember is that we all benefit from Jupiter, the planet that rules luck, expansion, synchronicity, foreign cultures, countries, and people, the higher mind, law, higher education, your spirituality and worldview. The house it will be transiting in your natal chart is important and will pinpoint where the greatest expansion will occur.

If you know your time of birth, then for a free natal chart enter it, your birthdate and place of birth in this link. Look for the sign of Gemini in your chart.

It will be on the cusp of one of the 12 houses. Note the house number. Here are the areas of life each houses rules.

For the opposition – 180 degrees from your sun sign – or the square, 90 degrees from your sun sign – the news isn’t all bad,  Sadge. You may be trying to balance extremes and can easily spread yourself too thinly. The same is true for the squares, but not quite as intensely. Regardless, pay attention  to the house Jupiter is transiting. That’s the real key.

And buckle up, all of you, for the synchronicities.


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