Rock on!

Here’s one from Haley Luttrell of Cincinatti.

A favorite among my grandma’s many stories of synchronicity – She was building a rock wall at her house and had run out of rocks just short of finishing. As she is taking a break to decide what to do – a truck goes around the bend in front of her house and some stones fall out into her yard…the exact size and number she needed to finish her wall.

Not bad, Grandma! But here’s one about a guy who is bad, although you wouldn’t know it by his name.

One of the most popular early rock ‘n’ roll song was Johnny B. Goode, by Chuck Berry. So it turns out that Jonathan B. Goode, better known by everyone as – of course – Johnny B. Goode, had his picture on the front page of the Palm Beach (Florida) Post on Feb. 1. Actually, there were 40 tiny mug shots of Goode, because he has been arrested 40 times in the past 40 months. Quite a record. Johnny is suffering from a mental illness as well as addiction, and gets arrested for loitering, pestering people for money, shouting obsenities in stores, pounding on the walls of Wal-Mart and stripping naked in a strip shopping center.

Usually, a judge releases him within a day or two, sometimes he stay in jail longer. All his arrests are misdemeanors. Finally, he spent the past six months in a hospital attending to his addiction and mental illness. Now he’s out. It’s a sad story, we wish him well, and we’ve got to say it: Johnny be good!

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2 Responses to Rock on!

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    nothing more interesting that real life! both fantastic stories – a rockin' grandma and a bad good boy! can't beat that!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sad, but I can't stop laughing. Oops!

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