The Republican Agenda for Women

Ever since the supremes overturned Roe v Wade, a law that had been in place for about 50 years, their bigger agenda has come into focus. They intend to take us back to the 1950s, when women had to get permission from a man – husband, brother, father – to open a checking account, get a credit card, insurance, you know, a man’s permission to live as freely as men do.

Sounds like fun, right?

Birth control wasn’t legal, either, so women used the good old fallible rhythm method to control whether they got pregnant. Unfortunately, that didn’t work for women with irregular menstrual cycles. It didn’t work well even for women with regular menstrual cycles.

The sad and pathetic postscript to all this is that there are so many male politicians – most of them republicans – who apparently crave a return to this era, the days of the good ole boys’ club when white men ruled the world. These dudes tend to be trump supporters.

Politicians  talk abut when life begins, at conception or later, but life really isn’t the issue. Control is the issue. After all, in the republican world, your kid is on his or her own after birth. No guarantees, except for a free education through high school. And in Florida, that part is questionable when you have a governor dictating what teachers can and can’t teach and to whom and when.

My 34-year-old daughter is growing up with fewer rights than I had. & if trump becomes president again she will be living in a nightmarish chaotic world that is as upside down as any Philip K. Dick novel. But in my heart, I still believe that women – the largest voting block – understand what is really at stake here and will do the right thing. Yes, Biden’s age is a factor for many voters. But hey, the man is sane. He doesn’t embrace chaos. He understands how government works. He has been steady, forthright, and step by step has provided this country with some stability after the nightmare of the trump years.

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2 Responses to The Republican Agenda for Women

  1. lauren raine says:

    Trish, it demonstrates to me how broken our democracy is that this criminal, who tried to start an insurrection in which several people were killed and that threatened the lives of members of Congress, whose misogynist comments inspired the Women’s March, the largest worldwide protest EVER, who is not allowed to operate a charity in New York state because of fraudulent behavior, who is a great supporter of the tyrant Putin who is now responsible for the destruction of a sovereign country, the Ukraine………. and so on…. is being, nonetheless, allowed to once again run for president. I do not think this man, who also clearly has dementia, will win, so I’m not really worried. But if he did…… it would truly be the end of the American experiment.

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