First Chapters, Last Chapters


I admit to being one of those people who often reads the last chapter of a book first or I read the first chapter and then the last chapter. It doesn’t matter whether the book is a novel or nonfiction. Part of it is that I enjoy seeing how an author carries an idea through from that first paragraph to the last.  With novels, I can’t stand not knowing how the story is going to end. With nonfiction books, I just have to know what the real point of the book is and that’s often condensed in the last chapter.

The book this time: David Wilcock’s The Source Field Investigations: the Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies. Today at the gym, I stepped onto the treadmill and read chapter 20, the last chapter, entitled Disclosure. Here’s how it begins:

“I do believe a formal, open disclosure of the ET/UFO phenomenon is an essential aspect of our movement into a Golden Age. I have tried to avoid relying on UFO-related accounts in this book, but I do feel there is undeniable evidence that we were visited by human-looking extraterrestrials in ancient times – and that these visits have continued to this very day. Bo discussion of the Source Field is complete without an examination of UFOs and their influence on technology, ancient peoples and the 2012 prophecies.”

As soon as I read this, I felt strongly it was what Wilcock had been working up to all along. Disclosure. This chapter is fascinating in that Wilcock brings together a lot of material from other sources, much of it from India. For instance,  a report in 2006 from the India Daily Technology Team “revealed that UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations will be announced to humanity on December 2012” and that world governments had been hiding “the truth of UFOs and ETs for decades, but secret preparations are being made to reveal the truth in 2012.” Apparently the countries that are taking the lead in this regard are Brazil, India and China.

I find it difficult to believe that China is on this list, given its repressive society. But here’s a list of countries that have released their UFO files: China is on the list; the U.S. is not.

One of the most intriguing sections of this last chapter concerns a mysterious Mr. X, who was interviewed by Project Camelot. Jerry Pippin apparently interviewed this guy. There isn’t much in the book about Project Camelot – just two references in the index, but more on the web.  Apparently the mysterious Mr. X died of a stroke before he could reveal himself,  but basically, his story is that he had access to top-secret documents that revealed the ET plans to “conduct a mass landing all over the world on December 21st or 22nd, 2012, whether our leaders like it or not….There will be a mass of information released that will shatter not of our core beliefs…If the world stays on the track it is on…we will have to be shown the truth. And if those who run the world do not do it, the ETs will.”

This last sentence intrigued me. The implication is that  the ETs are rebelling against the powers that be who have kept them under wraps. Really? Why would beings who apparently have the ability to travel through both time and space be cowed by the likes of us, who can’t even get their act together enough to conquer unemployment? Hunger in America? Health care for 50 million Americans?

At the end of the day, I am skeptical. I’m not sure why. Wilcock’s book is meticulously researched, duly footnoted, and published by Dutton, a major player in the industry.  As much as I want to believe, it’s tough to believe. I think of Avatar, where the saviors were the aliens (us), who also pretty much destroyed that world before we saved it. I think of Arthur C Clarke’s classic, Childhood’s End, and I think of V and Independence Day and The X-Files and all the other movies and books I’ve read over the years. I think of all the sightings and personal stories of abductions and encounters.  There’s no question in my mind that something is out there, that we are not alone in the universe, that others are probably here and interacting with us in ways we don’t yet understand.

While it’s certainly likely that a global paradigm shift would occur if the skies suddenly filled with UFOs one sunny morning, why is this event tied to the end of the Mayan calendar? It might  happen tomorrow or next week. Or it may never happen at all. We just don’t know. But as a species, we sure do love to speculate. And that’s the strength of this book and of we humans as a species. We always ask, Why? What if? And then what? Our curiosity as a species is what propels and defines us.


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One Response to First Chapters, Last Chapters

  1. Nancy says:

    I haven’t read this book yet, but I still have this lurking vision of all of sudden seeing thousands of UFOs filling the skies. As if they are there all of the time – we just don’t see them.

    I agree that we are curious and that it propels us forward. I think the next evolutionary phase will be thinking with the heart instead of our head. Intellectualism will be replaced by feeling.

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