Back in the Groove

Travel removes us from our normal routines and habitual ways of thinking, so it isn’t surprising that synchronicity often surfaces – and sometimes does so in the oddest ways.

Recently, Carol Bowman, author and past-life researcher,  and I (Trish)  went out to Malibu to see our friend Julie. Carol conducted a past life workshop and group regression and there were plenty of synchronicities along the way. But one of the most interesting for Carol occurred upon her return home. We’ll let her tell it:
My friends, Rose and John, introduced me to a friend of theirs, Wayne, a few years ago. Wayne and his partner had moved to this area from Malibu and started a restaurant.  We had dinner there once, and he was intrigued by the books I had written.  So I sent him a copy of each book.  Rose and John  moved to Colorado, and the last I heard of Wayne was that he and his partner had moved out of the area.

Upon my return from Malibu, I had some errands in a shopping area outside of town that I rarely visit.  I
stopped at a Fresh Market there, one where I had never shopped before.  And there  was Wayne.  I approached him, and he had a jaw-dropping moment when he said that he was just back in the area for a few days and was in the middle of reading one of my books.  He had it in a pile for at least two years, and just started reading it.  We were both a little surprised.

I felt reassured that I haven’t “lost it”, and was back in the groove!

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6 Responses to Back in the Groove

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    so true about trips/travels for me, too, in terms of signs, affirmations or warnings – synchronicities – like right now as my daughter and her baby are preparing to at last catch a plane home to louisiana – snow cancelling flights every day and next day flights re-instated for the following day – anyway – i also consider that ole' law of attraction when i'm having out of sorts "feelings" about such things – and try to focus on happy thoughts – like their return home and "seeing/rehearsing" their happy return – anyway, cabin fever seems rampant today but at least cable came on and i have internet! 🙂

    great post – loved the story and all its layers –

    wv=shorn – which, when i first glimpsed, i saw as "storm" –

  2. Nancy says:

    This was a great synchronicity. Malibu, books, people – all in one mix.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I always feel that when synchronicities happen during a trip or right before or after, it's an affirmation – or, at times, a warning. Either way, embracing life certainly seems to be part of the package, Mike.

  4. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Nice story. Agree entirely about travel – it's why I love to see and experience new places. You never know what might just happen.

    I feel it's more difficult for coincidences or synchronicity to arise if we don't fully embrace life. Every new person we meet may just have a message for us.

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