
Today I received this text message from

We are happy to note that your background and resume have been recommended by several online recruiters, so we would like to offer you a part-time job that you can do in your free time. Our job is simple: all you need is a smartphone or computer to do the work. There is no time limit and you can complete the assessment from home. The daily salary ranges from $200 to $500, and all salaries are paid on the same day. If you would like to participate, please contact us via WhatsApp: 14386777185
(Note: You must be 24 years old or older)

Since there wasn’t any info here about what the job entailed, I figured it was a scam. But I was curious about what kind of scam, so I went on What’s app and contacted the number. Here was the response:

Hello, I’m Elena. Are you here to learn about the job?

Me: Yes, someone texted me.

Elena:  Our work is done on Telegram. You can add my Telegram and I will give you detailed information about this job on Telegram

Then she provided her address on telegram: @Elena8899999

So I downloaded telegram and put in her address. Me: Ok, found you. What’s the job entail?

Elena: Nice to hear fro you. I’m Ellen.

Me: You human or AI?

Elena: Why do you think I’m AI?

Me: Just curious. The job?

Elena: Dear, please provide your What’sapp mobile number and I will make note of it.

Me: Look, I am pressed for time right now.  Can you please explain the job?

Elena: Just make 6 trades on a demo trading account and you will be paid $35. After learning the first stage, you have the opportunity to earn $200-2000 per day!
It’s an easy job to make money through demo trading and then enter the real financial world! Join us and become a money-making master!

The work is very simple:
1: Every day at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm New York time, the group will send out trading signals, 6 times during the trial period.
2 Trade with the group signals at a fixed time every day and send the transaction screenshots and profit screenshots to the group and to me privately
I will tell you in advance to follow the group

Me: Not interested. Sounds like a scam.

Then I took screenshots of our conversation.

Elena: Why do you think this is a scam?

At that point, I deleted the app.

I later went back to the original text message from moore 1150 and searched for austwayglobalpty, the main part of the email address that was used.  I found a dun & bradstreet listing for the company. The link is below this photo:

I should have asked this Elena- human or AI – what currency was traded. Bitcoin? Porn? Is porn traded for $? No idea. Anyway, if you get a text message from this moore1150, it’s probably smart to delete it.

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