3:33 Synchro from Victoria


Here’s another time synchro from Victoria Rudoph

On another occasion my husband , who is a senior executive suite level guy, was contacted by a recruiter for a large company. They were pursuing him aggressively and the CEO would make appointments to speak to my husband but after these calls  he wouldn’t hear anything from the recruiter or CEO or his HR for weeks at a time.  Since he had a good job he paid it no mind but thought it was unusual that it took so much time to move forward or get an answer.

One day I was sitting in the living room far from his home office  and I happen to glance at my watch and it was 3:33 pm. I suddenly felt this weird energy buzz throughout my body like it always does before something synchronistic occurs and I heard my husband’s phone ring. I shouldn’t have heard it ring as the room was on another upper floor in our house and his door was closed.

I had a “hunch” it was this recruiter and hoped he would put this situation to rest one way or the other for my husband.  It had been weeks since he heard from him though there was an occasional text with little information. My husband assumed that perhaps it they were looking at other candidates.

When he came downstairs for dinner I asked him if the company had called him again. He looked at me quizzically and asked me how I knew.  I told him about the time 3:33pm when the call came in and my  “hunch” was that the COO is very ill and about to leave and they are trying to figure out what type of role to bring Alan in to get him up to speed of the COO or whether to give him a different role encompassing both roles as a COO but something else.

He never told me about the COO or what was going on and I never asked but this time I had a strong sense .Sure enough the next day they called him and offered him the job. He since has moved on from that job and is working for a different company in a larger role. I spared him the synchronistic events on this one because I knew it sometimes freaks him out.

Check out her 4:44 synchro on July19.

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