Mike & Mac & their cats

We’ve written about how scientists have independently come up with the same break-through theories at about the same time. Now here’s an example of two bloggers coming up with the same unusual approach to the UFO mystery. One of them is Mike Clelland, who has posted here about owls and UFOs. In this case, cats are used as the fulcrum for exploring the mystery of unidentified flying objects. Mike pointed out that the actions of cats to try over and over to catch a dangling string is very much the way he sees humans pursuing the enigma of UFOs.

“Do we say that the UFO occupants are visiting us in the same way my cat would say the string is alive?” he wrote in his initial entry to his blog that began March 3, 2009.

Mike’s ‘string theory’ was neatly complemented independently by Mac Tonnies on his blog, called Posthuman Blues, except Mac went hi-tech using a red laser dot instead of string. “To my cats, the red dot possesses its own vitality. It exists as a distinct entity…So they chase it. And chase it. And, if they get close enough, even take swipes at it — in which case I make the dot “flee” or disappear in what seems like a concession of defeat (which, of course, only further arouses the cats’ predatory curiosity).”

Mac went on–as Mike did–to compare the UFO scenario to the action cats.  “I can’t help but be reminded of our continuing search for assumed extraterrestrial vehicles. UFO sightings demonstrate many of the same aspects of a typical feline laser hunt: mysterious disappearances, “impossible” maneuvers and a predilection for trickery — the apparent desire to be seen despite (or because of) a technology presumed to be far in advance of our own. More than one UFO researcher has noted that UFOs behave more like projections or holograms than nuts-and-bolts craft . . . an observation that begs the nature of the intelligence doing the projecting.”

Interestingly, Mike originally wrote his essay in November of 2006 and Mac wrote his two months earlier. Mike swears he knew nothing about Mac’s cat & UFO prose. He remembers reading about Mac in March of 2007 leading him to discover their mutual metaphorical synchronicity.

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15 Responses to Mike & Mac & their cats

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    touche', MU – i get the point! [pun intended] –
    too funny!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We in the mystical underground need to stay mystical and underground! – R

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the vote, gypsy. But I think our life journey might be a tad boring to anyone but us!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    off the subject a bit, trish and rob, but your comment, trish, about rob being your first read reminded me of something i've meant to mention before – you two maverick writers should whip up a little something about your own life journey of working and living and loving and playing as partners – a story much more fascinating than fiction, i know 🙂 [well, uh, actually, now, given YOUR fiction, though,……]-

  5. therese says:

    Hmm, cats and aliens. Our cat is about 12 years old now, and has an interesting personality as a feral hunter, who likes to claw at my boobs, and nip my wrist, when she wants to snuggle. Then there are times she's wildly chasing around the house.

    I always say she's chasing fairies. Now I wonder if she's playing with aliens. My only issue is that when she's on my chair, she moves when I want to sit.

    word verification: chosy LOL!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think you're absolutely right.

  7. Nancy says:

    Goes back to the holographic universe theory.

  8. Toumai says:

    Not much on "mayhem". Etymology: Originally, in law, the crime of maiming a person to make him less able to defend himself or annoy his adversary

  9. Toumai says:

    yes gypsy, seems to be enough m&m's out there to feed a synchro army.

    Which reminds me, I just posted a story: "Murder Mayhem" (heavy… butt a silver lining too). That's alot of m's in the title too… maybe I'd better do an etymology check on "mayhem".

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great story – being a cat person, i'm never surprised at our similarities with them – or theirs with us –

    and the two M's – toumai – didn't you do something once on the letter M?

    anyway, neat post!
    love the mike/mac/cats

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Toumai!
    I think Rob did a great job editing, too, Mike. You can see why he's my first reader for everything.

  12. Toumai says:

    Of course there are other intelligent life forms out in the universe well over and beyond us.

    Very likely too, they wouldn't be galavanting around the universe if they hadn't come to terms with enormous power and power addiction. Otherwise self destruct.

    So, in comes mother nature's solution to the dilemma, one that begins with synchronicity and ends with wings.


    wv: cuoti… could be: "cutie, coyte, quoti"… or if using etymology, just plain "what"?

  13. Mike Clelland! says:

    Also – the photo of the very playful looking cat is none other than *Spazzy* who is next to me on a shelf near my desk as I write this.

    She has earned her descriptive name…

  14. Mike Clelland! says:

    Ha! Someone played editor for me! THis story (the way I wrote it) was LONG. Well done, thanks!

    And – I just posted another item, on this exact experience.

    I found an audio interview on-line where Mac reads his short essay about cat's and laser pointers.

    There is now an audio of me reading mine, and Mac reading his (it's interesting!) on my blog thing (11 minutes total):


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