Here Comes Mercury Retro, Again!


Well, Mercury retro is here again. It begins in Virgo on August 4 at 9:36 PM in the Pacific time zone and on August 5 at 12:36 AM EDT. On August 14, it slips back into Leo, where it turns direct on August 28.

These retrograde periods are usually chaotic. Communications go haywire, computers develop minds of their own, technology often goes berserk, travel can be unpredictable, appointments are delayed or forgotten. Surgery isn’t recommended, don’t sign contracts, or start anything new. In fact, it’s wise to follow the rule of the 3Rs: review, reconsider, revise. If you’re a writer, add rewrite to that lineup.

Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury, so these periods can be particularly troublesome for them. To find out how this retro will impact your sign, check here, at the Star Power Astrology Forecast for August.

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