Precognition & Creativity

We first published this post in 2020, around the time that Covid broke out.


Our  friend Darren from Brisbane, Australia, who also blogs about synchronicity, sent us this radio clip with  author Peter May and a rather significant synchronicity concerning his book Lockdown. 

May wrote the book in 2005 in a kind of creative fever and finished it in six weeks. He talks about it in his introduction, how the book was rejected by British publishers for being too far out there, too implausible etc. Now here we are.

I think this is an instance of precognition through creativity. We have a chapter on that  in our book Sensing the Future.  Yes, it’s been 15 years since May  wrote the book, but I don’t think the passage of linear time makes any difference.When May was writing this novel, he was in that timeless space where writers go when they’re really hooked into what they’re writing. The world. the characters. The circumstances. And sometimes, that timeless space lies in our linear future.

Most writers I know have experienced something like this, but maybe not with the accuracy that May did.




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