Saying Goodbye

I was at the kitchen table early one morning with the newspaper and a cup of coffee when Megan walked in and sat down. She started talking about her on-again, off-again relationship with her boyfriend. One day they’re great together; the next day it’s all over. He can’t talk about his feelings. She pushes too hard and he backs away. She ignores him and he comes chasing her. On and on.

I was just finishing the crytoquote of the day and had one word to go. I was staring at the paper as she talked. For some reason, I was blocked. I’d already told Megan a number of times that she should just cut him off and move on. The guy lives three hours away and doesn’t like to drive. He can’t seem to make up his mind about what he wants, except he doesn’t want her to join him and he doesn’t want to move here. What kind of relationship is that? So she knows what I think.

Megan was saying, “Things are different now. I’m more independent.” When I didn’t respond, she said: “Dad, what’re you doing?” I showed her the final word. It read: _ood_ye. Two letters missing. I just couldn’t see it.

She glanced at it and said, ‘Goodbye.’ Of course. How easy.  Why couldn’t I see it? Then I read the entire quote and was startled and so was Megan when she read it.

Here it is: A man never knows how to say goodbye; a woman never knows when to say it. – Helen Rowland

Megan nodded. “Yeah, I guess that’s true.”

And an early morning synchronicity, I thought.

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18 Responses to Saying Goodbye

  1. D Page says:

    Great synchro for Megan! So succinct it can’t be ignored.

  2. This made me think of one of my fave Madonna songs, “The Power of Goodbye.” Here are some of the lyrics:

    “Your heart is not open so I must go
    The spell has be broken…I loved you so
    Freedom comes when you learn to let go
    Creation comes when you learn to say no

    You were my lesson I had to learn
    I was your fortress you had to burn
    Pain is a warning that something’s wrong
    I pray to God that it won’t be long

    There’s nothing left to try
    There’s no place left to hide
    There’s no greater power
    Than the power of goodbye”

  3. Lauren Raine says:

    ps……….I’m sorry I missed your previous post, as I would have liked to comment on my experience in England this summer, where everyone has health insurance (like Europeans). Imagine – living with that kind of sense of safety. You’re not going to lose your home if you get sick. You won’t be turned away from the clinic. You don’t need to file a medical bankruptcy. You don’t have to decide on food or meds, or go to Nogales to get the pills you need to have a quality of life. Just imagine………..we lack not only empathy, but common sense, if we actually think only the wealthy should be able to afford health care. Forgive me, just had to say that………………

  4. Nancy pickard says:

    Wow. Now THAT is an incredibe synch!

  5. anewsoul says:

    LOVE that one. Wow. BTW, hope the boyfriend doesn’t read your blog.

  6. My goodness, that’s a message and a half. Goodbye is always easier said than done.

  7. Nancy says:

    It would seem that conversation was meant to be. And your daughter is smart enough to know the significance.

  8. mathaddict3322 says:

    Such wisdom in such a succinct, brief sentence. A powerful synchronistic moment.
    GOODBYE. Certainly one of the most profound words in any language, and always, always difficult to say and accept. But when it must be said, I try to remember that closing one door opens another; that letting go of something or someone which no longer serves us…something or someone whose purpose in our lives may have become toxic or destructive or has simply run its course, puts us in a position to experience new opportunities. Timing is everything, and even though GOODBYE never comes easily, it generally is followed by HELLO. 🙂

  9. gypsy says:

    oh, wow! well, i certainly relate to this post! and the cryptoquote! love it! – in any event – what a synchro! couldn’t be much plainer could it? just as plain as that deer that jumped in front of my car on the highway that morning – and the dead deer on the side of the road – all when i was asking the universe for signs on saying _ood_ye! 😉

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