Trump Fatigue


Is anyone else feeling this?

I’m so tired of news about this guy. I’m tired of his same old rhetoric, his doom and gloom vision, his scowling orange face, his BS conspiracy theories.

I’m tired of his whining voice, of seeing excerpts from his stupid truth social site, of hearing his brainwashed allies defending his rhetoric, his lies, his superior intellect (gag!).

Trump is a 78-year-old has been, a loser who still can’t accept the fact that he lost the 2020 election, a convicted felon & a grifter who comes up with one new  absurdity after another to try to sell to his brainwashed followers. The gold sneakers, trading cards, bitcoins. What next. donald?

My trump fatigue has gotten so extreme that I keep wishing aliens would zip down here, abduct him and take him – well, anywhere but earth. Just shut him up.

My hope is that when he loses, he ends up in an orange jumpsuit that matches the color of his silly hair and scowling face. My hope is that he disappears from the media forever. Flee, donald. Venezuela, Dubai, North Korea, Hungary, Russia. But maybe even your dictator buddies don’t want you.

Take a good look at the photo above. That’s what another four years of trump will do this country.

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