The Angel in Sharon’s Life

Friend Sharon Catley, whose synchro stories we’ve used in several books, wrote me about the podcast with Scott Guerin:

Hi Trish I recently enjoyed your presentation on angels and I do know that angels exist – I have met one and he is my brother. When Ed was alive he was he was known for his kindness and gentleness. He was so helpful and always put the needs of others before his own.

Just after he passed I experienced a stroke which took most of the eyesight in my left eye and adversely affected the sight in the right. During one of my routine eye checkups the doctor found the retina in my right eye was detaching and needed to be fixed right away. The doctor was very busy but told me to wait alone in his operating room and he would be in to perform the procedure shortly. I have very sensitive eyes and the thought of putting needles and lasers in them was freaking me right out. Then I remembered my brother (who had diabetes) had to have blood removed from behind his eyes by needle several times. He never complained about having to go through this. I chastised myself for being such a big baby and tried to be brave.

All of a sudden Ed was standing behind the chair I was sitting on. Then two huge white wings wrapped themselves around me in a hug and I heard his voice say “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine”. He was gone as quickly as he had come. I started to cry from this experience Happy to have had a visit from my brother. When the doctor came in he thought I was crying because I was afraid. How was I to tell him I just saw my brother and he was now an angel? The operation went quickly and smoothly just like Ed had said. I did not see him again until a few years later.

I was having heart issues and was staying overnight in the Emergency department of the hospital for observation. Sometime in the night the police brought in some criminals for medical care. They didn’t want to be arrested and they were yelling and attacking nurses, security and the police. I had woken up to the sounds of the scuffling, violence, police radios and alarms. It was quite scary and I was frightened for myself, the other patients, the hospital staff and the police. There was a small slit between the two curtains separating me from the rest of the department. Through the slit I could see something white and about the height of a person through it.

Then I heard Ed’s voice “don’t worry. Go back to sleep I will keep you safe” and this time he stayed until I fell back asleep. I have not seen my brother since then, however we did find a white feather on the floor of the room his wife slept in the last time she visited us. I have a sense that God makes use of him like one of those greeters you see at the front of department stores. “Hello. My name is Ed. Welcome to heaven. How may I help you”. However while writing this out I had a thought. What if the angel was not my brother but came to me in his form so I would not be afraid and be comforted? I have no clue. Make of my experience what you will. Thanks for reading. Sharon



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