November 26th Synchro


This synchronicity is from Kim Kikuts, daughter of an extraordinary psychic, Renie Wiley, whom we write about in our most recent book, Mind-Blowing Synchronicities: the Latest Science, Stories, and Research. Renie died some years ago.

It’s a real pleasure to hear from Kim. Here’s her email:

Hi – Let me start by saying that I am still reading the book. At first I tried to think about moments in my life powerful as you described in the book. For the life of me I could not pinpoint any specific moment because most of my decisions that I have made in my life have been moments as “this is my sign.”

“So I happen to be on a Yoga retreat this weekend with theme “Spark your Soul”.  I went to Salt Lake City and just happen to go on a mountain hike in the morning and later in the evening I went to  a Salt room and Sound Bath. In yoga terms it is a medication and yoga (gentle movement) in approximately 5 inches of Himalayan Salt and Crystal bowls for a meditation.  Guess what the name of this company that provided this activity: “Synchronicities.”

Then driving home I remembered a powerful moment that I think you will appreciate. In 2018, I lost my brother to cancer. When at work in Jan 2019, my co worker came into my office and said, “Do you want to do a 200 hour yoga instructor class with me?” At first, I thought no. After a day or two something kept telling me I need to do this. So I did.

Three months into the class, the assignment was “What influences in your life have led you here?”  I was writing my answers down and it was like an AH HA moment.   Andy’s death was rather a slow, painful experience. They day he died I felt such a huge loss and the afternoon I realized he was dying was on November 26, 2018. At this time, my coworker disclosed to my yoga class her birthday was November 26th.   My reason for doing yoga was because of the loss, feeling alone and feeling my mother’s energy who was born Nov 26th.

Only then did I realize that both influences may have been double tagging me from above. Yoga has been a transformational experience in my life that I will be forever grateful to the forces above.

Love and light

I think this one qualifies as a mind-blower.


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