See You on the Moon

This story is from Healing Mudras, whose synchronicities are never ordinary (if there is even such a thing) and often involve travel. This one points  to the law of attraction in a big way.

Shorty before Healing boarded a plane for Hawaii, she was contemplating the  “healing power of the Milky Way.” As she wrote on her blog, “The healing comes from an infinite awareness of Oneness. There is life up there and this life is talking to you, sending sparkling virbant lights to your aura. The Pleiades are the buzz of simmering lights and the dusty white light cloud is just a ray of pure potential. Get a good resolution picture of the Milky Way and dive up in the glow.Or get a ticket to Hawaii and see it with your own eyes in a pure energy island style.” So with that in mind, she boards her flight to Hawaii. And then…

“You also did not sleep during the whole flight” said the Korean man behind me at the immigration queue upon arrival at Honolulu airport. I nodded and responded to him that I saw him enjoying the red wine and reading all the possible newspapers available onthe plane. He smiled and continued ” That is my job!” So when I asked him then what his job was, I got struck by lightening when he said, “I build houses on the Moon!”

We were in the long queue at immigration and the conversation continued as I  wanted to share with him my interest on the project and eventually how, as far from being initiated on civil engineering in the Galalxies, I actually was trasnported into another dimension just by holding this conversation with him. I had always wanted to meet someone who would be able to confirm that what I downloaded from, an alternate YouTube video uploading site, is actually closer to reality than a sci-fi movie.

The NASA project is supposed to be concluded in its first phase in 2014. I told him I knew about the Robot
exploring living conditions on Mars. He said, the Moon is easier to live on, we [ humankind] have been there since longer. Mars requires more work but we’ll get there also. Now the focus is on water and oxygen. My flight companion is also supposed to travel to the Moon and Mars, for as long as 548 days in the near future.
“What was his purpose to travel to Hawai’i’s Big island? The volcanic conditions (big island) are exactly similar to the conditions on those 2 planets, except for the vaccum (lack of oxygen) and simply was on a monitoring meeting with fellows experts. Obama had just announced a block on Lockheed funding so the meeting was also to review a few other things.

The conversation was really pleasant as we moved along the queue and continued in its other dimensional reality. When asked about my purpose, I was pleased to see a smile on his face as I explained that my trip to Maui, an island just a short hop down from Oha’u island (Honolulu) is to attend a Reiki Healing Retreat and receive certification as Karuna (R) Reiki Master Teacher.

“He asked: ‘And what do you heal?’

“People. And,  based on quantum [Note: I love it when there is no need to detail quantum] also situations and other reality events”.

It was just so pleasant that upon saying good bye, we both said ” See you on the moon.”

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11 Responses to See You on the Moon

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's a cool synchronicity, Healing. Thanks for letting us post it.

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish, i'm ready!!! and just where is that silly MS when you want it!!!

    oh, just fyi, the sand traveler just wandered through my "world" across the way!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – get that mother ship down here and tell them to set course for Mars. Lakeviewer – great point. We're all perpetual travelers!

  4. lakeviewer says:

    I love this. We have to see ourselves as travelers all the time.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    so, who's up for mars???

    wv=pinesom = yes! i am!

  6. Toumai says:

    cute, "see you on the moon"


  7. Nancy says:

    Great story and comments. There is certainly a lot going on in the world that most of us know nothing about.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    No such thing as coincidence. Now here's another level, Aleksander. Just this morning, Rob said, "Whatever happened to Aleksander? Then I find your comment here, less than an hour later.

  9. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    I'd left a comment here to an anonymous fan of Hayaino Daisuki presumably from Serbia (just like me) before visiting your blog (before you even posted this text). Actually, I posted a comment yesterday there after the next post about Hayaino Daisuki without being aware of that Serbian fan. There is Hawaii in the title. Synchronicity or coincidence?

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Another great post."See you on the moon" – like that.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    fabulous story! fabulous!

    about mars, the queue for passage forms behind me – one of my very earliest childhood memories is the desire to be one of the first to colonize mars – literally – my obsession/fixation/whatever with "the red planet" has followed me all my life and stays with me still – which now reminds me to LIVE THE RED!

    great post, you two!

    wv=disel=hmmmm…diesel fuel to mars?

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