A Couple of Synchros

Katniss from Catching Fire, the movie

Sometimes synchronicities can serve as reminders, or as clues to future events. Here are two that do just that. I think these incidents are commonplace, but we often overlook them.

One recent morning I was reading a novel, Catching Fire, the second in the Hunger Games series. I’d only read a page or two when I came to a passage in which a character named Finnick saves the life of Peeta – Katniss’ love interest and fighting partner – who has collided with an invisible force field. He’s knocked unconscious and his heart stops. Finnick saves him by using CPR.

As soon as I read that, I looked up at the clock. At noon, I had a CPR training session scheduled at the gym. A nice reminder not only of the CPR, but also that there’s an underlying connection of all things and synchronicities offer us a peek at that deeper level of reality. (I also noticed that the CPR wasn’t quite done properly, but who cares. The guy was saved!)

That synchro reminded me of one from the previous evening.  I was heading to a yoga studio that I visit only a few times a year because it’s a 50-minute drive. A French woman I’ve known for years through yoga needed a ride so she joined me.

As we were leaving, an odd thought came to mind. Anne is hanging around with Arabs. Where did that come from? I wondered. I didn’t say anything about it and when it came to mind again before we arrived at the studio, it occurred to me that she rides Arabian horses owned by a Saudi family. So maybe that factoid trickled into my awareness.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I asked if she had been riding lately. Not since breaking a finger several months, she said, but wanted to get back into it. We walked inside and quickly found out that the teacher we both expected had opted out and was replaced by someone we didn’t know.

Anne started acting very much like the Cancer she is,  lifted her chin, and refused to take the class. “Okay, be that way,” I said.  “But I’m taking the class.”

“I’ll wait out here,” she said.

“For an hour and a half?”

“Sure. I have things to do,” she said, patting her large purse.

I shrugged and walked into the studio. I was thinking that I would leave early to accommodate her, especially if the class wasn’t very good. But it turned out to be quite challenging with variations I’d never tried, and I wanted to see it through to the end.

When it was over, I wasn’t particularly looking forward to the drive back. However, I was surprised when Anne didn’t seem a bit peeved. “I had a very interesting time. I spent the entire time talking to Jamal,” she said somewhat smugly. Jamal’s an old friend who works at the studio, checking people into class and usually takes the class after everyone has arrived. Apparently, like Anne, he decided to skip it.

“Did you know that his family is from Morocco and he speaks French?” she asked.

“I’m glad you weren’t bored,” I responded, and I couldn’t help thinking that she’d spent the entire class hanging out with an Arab. Hmm, guess I saw that one coming.



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17 Responses to A Couple of Synchros

  1. Nancy says:

    I experienced one the other night: My husband and I were discussing a possible trip for next year. Our youngest would be out of graduate school and I was trying to convince him of a nice European vacation. He hates to travel because he does so much for work, so the whole conversation was about me going with others, or joining a group if he decided he didn’t want to go. I spent most of the time trying to convince him it would be fun to take a river cruise, visiting old-world cities. As we were leaving our fortune cookies arrived with mine stating: “You desire to discover new frontiers. It’s time to travel.”

  2. Darren B says:

    I had a similar experience this morning while finishing off Penney Peirce’s book
    “The Intuitive Way” (finally!) .The wind was really blowing outside my kitchen window and my wife’s wind chime was going berserk.I was thinking I hope that wind chime doesn’t bug the neighbours tinkling at full bore like that.Then I read the following passage on page 218,
    “Let the air become purified by imagining fresh breezes blowing through from the ocean or the mountains.Imagine the sound of a hundred wind chimes tinkling.The space is now conducive to your own highest good and highest creativity”.
    Well I didn’t have to imagine it,because it was happening.Although instead of one hundred wind chimes there was just one,making enough noise for one hundred .-)

  3. Those are the kind that I like, little reminders to help you stay the course.

  4. D Page says:

    A little sixth sense with your synchronicity. Cool story.

  5. JAG says:

    Hey Trish, any thoughts on the Kara Kennedy/Eleanor Mondale synchro? I’m gathering ideas for a post myself. Does it point somewhere in your mind? +jag

    • R and T says:

      Been mulling this one over since I heard about it, Jag. JFK would be the obvious choice, but that’s probably wrong!

      • JAG says:

        Yes, JFK and that whole curse thing might be active somewhere in it.

        I also noticed that Eleanor was born on 1/19/1960. That’s one day from the day new presidents and vice-presidents are inaugurated, a second time synchronicity. That links to her father’s inauguration in 1977, which would be on the 1/3 Mark of her life.

        But there is something else here. What is it about Mondale and Teddy Kennedy? If you scroll through the wikipedia post on Ted_Kennedy and look at his Senate portrait in the 1990s, it struck me that he looks kind of like Walter.

        But also, what is it about second-tier famous politicians daughters? Maybe there is something more to unfold there.

        Anyway, one more thing to ponder.

  6. Easily overlooked that’s for sure. But there’s all sorts of stuff around us we don’t really notice. I guess we have to filter what is important – and this is what the brain/mind tends to do on our behalf. We ‘just’ have to programme them properly to what is significant … but that’s theory, and can be difficult to put into practice! First we have to decide what it is that is important.

  7. gypsy says:

    neat stories – and i think it’s so true that our daily “mundane” lives are filled with such synchros – clues/reminders – that they are all too often overlooked – at least that’s what i have found in my own life – which goes to show how we [i, personally] should become way more diligent in recognizing/becoming more aware of them – they serve such purpose in our lives –

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