Facebook Magic

We’ve posted before about how blogging and the social networking sites often serve as vehicles for synchronicity. Cynthia from Out of the Blue sent us this story about a synchronistic connection involving facebook, which she recently joined. It’s also a great example of precognition.
I checked my email earlier this afternoon to learn that an old school friend ” found” me on facebook. Very cool, I think. She has been on my mind for the past 2+ weeks – she and her son, who used to be quite close to me. I haven’t had a day in that length of time that I didn’t find myself wondering about them. We haven’t been in touch at all for a number of years, for who knows what reasons—just grew apart, I guess. And there she was, “finding” me on facebook just as I was in some psychic/cosmic quest to learn about her.

 Now I need to give you a little background before I continue my tale. 34 years ago, I had a ticking little thought  one afternoon.  I thought that my friend ( at that time we were still close and in touch, though  living  80 miles away from each other ) was going to go into the hospital  in labor ( yes, she was pregnant and I knew that, nothing “witchy” in that). But I also thought she was going to be sent home. And indeed, she had been, but I didn’t know those facts at that time. That had been over  a week-end. The following Monday I was off to the big city, taking classes. The day was perfectly ordinary, at least until classes were over.

As I started walking back to the subway I began to feel disoriented, kind of in a fog. I suddenly couldn’t wait to get home, but knew that it was going to take me at least an hour to get back to my car. The whole while I was traveling I kept feeling worse , not really in a physical way. It was definitely a psychic drain or pull. I kept telling myself that as I got closer to home, everything would begin to feel more familiar and this disorientation would dissipate. But it only got worse.

From the end of the subway line, I boarded a bus.When I finally reached my vehicle and headed off to pick up my son at preschool, it  took a lot of effort to concentrate on driving. We made it home safely , but  I continued to feel worse. I stalked through the house like a caged animal. I couldn’t relax, sit or prepare dinner. I was beside myself,  like some part of me wasn’t there. Six o’clock chimed, the phone rang. It was my friend’s mother, calling to tell me that my friend had just delivered a baby boy. She had gone into the hospital on the weekend and had  been discharged with ” false labor”. Just as soon as she told me the news, my restlessness and disorientation – that caged feeling –  simply went away. And that baby boy was the child who I grew so very  fond of, who came to visit me even when his mother did not. He was truly a special
child who was so very close to my heart.

I think that because my friend & I  had grown up together, graduated high school together, and shared so much, I  was somehow attuned this child even before his birth. I think we were meant to enjoy some time together and share some deeper bond in this lifetime for however small amount of time. He’s an adult now, my our lives went in different directions, and communication stopped.

Until the facebook note.

In the brief greeting she sent to me, she told me that her son JUST had a son born to him. Now I wonder if my cosmic quest to learn about my friend was connected to her son becoming a father to a son. As I had experienced many years ago when he was born, did I “know” or at least want to know that something incredible was to repeat itself ? I’m inclined to think so. For me it all suggests that we DO know more than what is on the surface. There is some law of the universe, I call it Magic, that enriches our lives even when it confounds us.
There’s another facet to Cynthia’s story that I’m including here at the end because it seems so integral to her synchronicity, but in such a strange way. When Cynthia got on the bus in her agitated state, she noticed an impeccably groomed gentleman who looked, well, odd. “This man’s forehead came to a point. He was slightly bald and the point was all too prominent. And it was all too improbable -impossible – that anyone’s head could be that pointed. I remember feeling angry, though he did nothing to provoke it. It seemed that his presence only served to  heighten my psychic discomfort.He was a very prominent feature of that strange afternoon.”

Cynthia says a cranial-sacral therapist suggested the man might be an angel. Rob pointed out that after babies come through the birth canal, their heads are often misshapen, almost pointed, so he might have been some sort of sign about her friend’s delivery.

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8 Responses to Facebook Magic

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for this story, especially the part of the 'caged feeling'.

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i started facebook initially for me and my kids to have a central place to communicate – see photos instantly – message instantly – etc – but i was very naive as to how it would really work and did not realize all the little "games" available – and with some teenagers those are so popular – anyway – while i've not had any synchros with facebook, it also has not quite worked the way i envisioned for my purposes – but it's wonderful to hear stories of those who do – and/or just how significant the whole www is in facilitating synchros – great post!

  3. Nancy says:

    Facebook has been a prominent theme for me lately. Several people have "friended" me, even though I do not have a Facebook account. My sister asked me if I had one, and my children have some followers I would rather they didn't. Now this. I wonder if the universe is trying to tell me something.

  4. Gemel says:

    Great post, I have the same happen to me when my best friend committed suicide a couple of years ago, even her husband did not pick up on it and he wasn't twelve thousand miles away…

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – that's a real interesting facebook synchro. Had you saved her picture?

  6. Mike Clelland! says:

    What is it with this stuff? Below is probably the most important synchronistic event in my life. Involving FaceBook & an old friend named CYNTHIA!

    Follow the links, it gets really strange, and another friend has ANOTHER facebook synchronicity too

    – LINK –

    What can it mean????????

  7. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Another superb story. If only we could be fully aware, at all times, of these signs – and understand them properly. Or perhaps it's our trying to understand them that is important.

  8. Vanessa says:

    That one made me get "misty." Didn't cry but came close. 🙂

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