Cold Nights in Florida


Yes, when it comes to cold nights for Floridians – at least those of us from Orlando south – we kind of lose it. I’m talking about lows in the 40s – fairly warm for states that are being pummeled by 10 and 11 inches of endless snow. Rob either chops up wood that we’ve bought or that he has cut from the trees in our yard  and shortly after it gets dark, he starts the fire in our outside fire pit.

Nigel and Riley, Megan’s dog staying with us, love it.  I bundle up in 4 layers of clothes, slip on my gyms shoes, & stay out there  as long as long as I’m not cold, maybe 15 minutes. The fire is invariably good and warm, but like any fire, the wood is consumed, the heat dies down. I’d love to have an indoor fireplace where I could curl up on the floor with Nigel and a blanket and pillow and go to sleep.

But in the absence of that, the dancing flames ignite my imagination. As an astrologer, I’m aware of the element of the 12 signs. The fire signs –  Aries, Leo, Sagittarius – are doers, the ones who get things done. They may do things in a hurry, may exhibit a fair share of drama, may insist they are right. But each fire sign represents a particular archetype. Tonight, this fire  encompassed all three.

I needed to leap into a story I’m working on (Aries), the story needed drama and excitement (Leo) & it needed that nomadic truth and bigger picture that Sagittarius provides. So I hurried inside and went to work.

And oh, I also turned on the heat in the house!


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