What Trump is actually doing



…No mystery here. He’s doing what autocrats have always done – break the system so that he and his billionaire buddies can remain in power indefinitely.

Don’t believe it? Think things are great and spectacular, as one woman said to me today?

Google it.

And Google it again and again.

Bu if you still don’t believe it, well, then go back to Fox News for your daily brainwashing. & then head to your local grocery store or hardware store or any store and take a look at the rising prices. and try to convince yourself that trump is making things great again.

And rip off your blinders and take a clear  look at what he’s doing.  Because if all this continues, then in several weeks or months  we’ll look like Putin’s Russia, like North Korea, like Hungary. Read up on Nazi Germany, on Mussolini, on Chile’s Pinochet, on Venezuela’s Chavez and Maduro…

Trump is using the same autocratic playbook and being outspoken about it. As one friend now refers to him – President Capone.

It fits.


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2 Responses to What Trump is actually doing

  1. Cheryl says:

    I don’t disagree. Except that he is far worse than Capone. He has far more reach and the kind of insulation an endless source of funding can give. Same sociopathy. Why not a picture of the way he actually looks today? He doesn’t have the same distorted hungry face. He looks young here — deluded but not evil. Get Megan to paint a picture of him. She could capture his soul with her brush.

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