Today at the dog park a retired doctor stopped to talk with a group of us. His dog occasionally stops in at our bench area to get water.
“You think social security is going to get cancelled?” I asked him.
“No, it’s all talk. They can’t do away with social security.”
The news says otherwise, but I didn’t point that out. “I sure hope you’re right.”
“It’s our money that was deducted for years from our paychecks. They have to make good on these checks.” He shook his head. “They won’t shut it down. Now going to happen.”
“Well, we’ll see” I said. “And I’ll call you on it if they cancel. & they’ll have a revolution on their hands if they do.”
He laughed. “They sure will.”
I hope the doctor’s right. But we’ll see. After all, Musk called social security a Ponzi scheme.
Musk is an idiot. – proof that all the money in the world can’t buy brains or common sense.
You’ve got that right, Dale!