The Bigger Picture

Vicky Watt lives on the east coast of Scotland, one of our favorite countries, and wrote after reading the British edition of 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. She had a cool synchro associated with the book. She and her partner also have a great blog.

Here’s her synchro:

syn·chro·nic·i·ty definition

a meaningful coincidence; the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality —used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung

I have to admit – I love all this stuff! Apparently, us pisceans are sterotypically dreamy, airy-fairy and very responsive to mysticism – so that explains it. Isn’t it exciting to try and peek behind the veil of everyday life in search of deeper meanings, unseen connections and a richer understanding of life itself? So, given this prior interest – it’s probably no big surprise that when my bus didn’t turn up at the usual time and place in Edinburgh on Wednesday, I decided to walk to the main bus station via the bookshop – where I picked up a book called ‘The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity’. Packed with stories about serendipitous coincidences that change the flow of individual lives – it seemed like a fun way to while away the hours. Sometimes though, while enjoying these types of books, I also try to approach them with a little healthy scepticism. After all, surely if we’re thinking about the idea of synchronicity, we are far more likely to be “on the look out” for patterns and indeed more likely to attribute meaning to random coincidences?

So, what was at work – or not – when I noted the pretty blue butterfly on the cover of the book as I paid at the counter. Then, a couple of minutes later, as I walked along my unexpected route to the bus station, I looked up to see a billboard featuring a huge blue butterfly and the words “Discover The Bigger Picture”. A couple more minutes later, as I waited in the bus station, I opened the book and was immediately struck by an acknowlegement to the author’s friend – a piscean – who always “saw the larger picture”. I’ve found recently that every time I roll my eyes in an attempt to be level-headed and skeptical about concepts like synchronicity, something happens to send me swimming right back in the direction of believing in a mysterious – yet meaningful – universe! Coincidence or Synchronicity? If you have any synchronistic experiences to share, I’d love to hear…

Meanwhile, the book above is a nice little introduction to the myriad ways that one might experiment with synchronicity – from astrology and numerology to the law of attraction or simply paying attention to potentially meaningful signs, symbols and patterns in daily life. Find out more here.



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11 Responses to The Bigger Picture

  1. Vicky says:

    Hi guys,

    Thanks again for reading and sharing my butterfly synchro. I particularly love and have become aware of animal totems over the last year or so. I could share so many more but it would take too long so I’ll leave you with this one. On the night of the Full Moon – according to my calender Wed 12 October – I dreamed a small seal swam up to me, allowing me to pick it up. I carried it up the hill and sat with it in the garden by a house where I was with family. Later, I returned the seal to the sea and watched it powerfully swim away. I made a note in my notebook about the dream. According to totem research, the seal represents ‘lucid dreaming’ – “if seal enters your life, pay close attention to your imagination and insight in waking state and in dream time. Alot of what you imagine has a strong basis in reality no matter how far off it may seem”. Seals have been a big influence for me this year – I’ve had the chance to see them in the wild twice, once from my own harbour-view bedroom. Anyway….at the end of the week – Sat 15 October, I unexpectedly visited a local art boutique. I walked in and was instantly drawn to a beautiful etching of a seal swimming by the light of a Full Moon. This time, I picked up and carried a seal for real – albeit it was the seal in a picture! It now sits in my bedroom and I hope it will be a good omen for insightful dreams. Thanks again for letting me share 🙂

    • R and T says:

      What a beautiful story! Seal is one animal I haven’t had any experience with, so it’s good to know what it means for you! Thanks again for letting us use your story.

  2. What a great synchro – and how true about the bigger picture.

  3. Lauren Raine says:

    That’s a wonderful syncronicity! I find it especially inspiring, the image of the blue butterfly, speaking from your book and a billboard – I also often feel that the Universe is talking to us all the time, we just don’t often stop to listen. Butterflies are so much about transformation, so I’m encouraged to think, in this so chaotic time, that that is what “the big picture” is all about. Thanks again………..

  4. gypsy says:

    again – it’s all about awareness – openness – receptivity –

    neat story!

  5. D Page says:

    I enjoy stories about how your books instigate spontaneous synchronistic events in people’s lives!

  6. Nancy says:

    Great review. Well done. I have the new one next on my book list. Once you become aware of how the Universe speaks to you – you can never go back.

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