A puppy with a message

This one comes from our friend, Melissa, a former neighbor and baby sitter for a much younger Megan. M now lives in NYC and is involved in the creative arts and entertainment.


Here’s a synchro, I think!  One of my employees, Kara, asked if she could leave a little early the other day.  A few days prior a female pit bull showed up on her doorstep and she and her husband, Charlie, couldn’t turn her away.  So, they let her hang out for a while and then took her to the vet over the weekend.  When I asked how the puppy was doing, this was her response — I asked her if I could share it with you and she said yes.

“Thank you for asking!  She is doing fine.  We got her spayed on Thursday at a Non-Profit place.  Thank goodness she wasn’t pregnant, but she was in heat.  Whew!  That was close.  LOL.  They determined she had heartworms.  I am not surprised at all.  The jerks who owned her before didn’t take care of her.  They let her have a litter of puppies during her 1st heat (probably around 9 mths old at the time and no where near full grown) and threw her out on our dead end country road like trash when she went into her next heat.

“She is so precious and sweet.  Normally, we would have just found her a good home, but there are some very strange coincidences surrounding her arrival on our front porch that night.  That day was Charlie’s mom’s birthday.  She passed away 9 years ago.  When Charlie lived with her as an adult he had a big, Pit female.  She was precious to people but not to other small animals.  There was a dumb little dog that would come up and mess with her food bowl.

“His mom grew attached to the little dog.  Lady Belle, the Pit, would jump on the dog if she messed with her food, of course.

Charlie’s mom grew tired of it and said that he would have to take care of it, if it happened again.  Well, it did.  He knew Lady Belle would not be able to be another person’s dog so he had no choice in his mind, or his mom’s, back then but to kill her.  It broke his heart.

“So, what comes up on our porch on that night?  She’s a different kind of Pit, but still, it’s weird.  She is so very sweet….just wants to be loved.  I guess she picked the right home that night.  =)))

Our other dog Daisy is getting used to her presence although they are separated right now while she heals.

“We named her Rainy b/c it was raining so bad that day when I was driving home, and it has rained some every day since her arrival.  So, Rainy Sky Brecken.  I know, so hippie.  LOL.”


Sounds like a greeting from the other side. Another related little synchro. Last week, Melissa and her husband John stopped by during a trip to South Florida and we gave her a copy of Synchronicity and the Other Side.


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5 Responses to A puppy with a message

  1. gypsy says:

    oh, what a story! i can just SEE the little doggy on the doorstep in the rain – abandoned and ill – and now, a kind loving family and a doggy sibling! she knew her doorsteps when she picked that one! 😉 love the rainy sky name! peace and love, rainy sky brecken!

  2. Nancy says:

    Very sweet story. I love happy endings.

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