Five Minutes of Pleasure

 According to neuropsychiatrist Dr. Louann Brizendine, author of “The Female Brain,” men think about sex every 52 seconds. Meanwhile, women tend to think about sex once a day. (Ha! says Trish.)
So, being a guy, I figured it wasn’t really synchronicity when a woman at the gym obliviously made a remark that could be interpreted as a double entendre. We were talking about diet. Since she is in training for an upcoming competition, I was curious about what she ate. She said the most difficult time was the evening, when it would be so easy to grab a bag of potato chips while watching television. 

I suppose we’d been talking about a minute–at least 52 seconds at that point–when she added: “But for five minutes of pleasure, it’s not worth it.” With that she excused herself and walked away.

Her last comment was overheard by a guy who’d just arrived in that corner of the gym, and didn’t know what we’d been talking about. He gazed after the woman, then turned to me. “Did I hear that right? Five minutes of pleasure? I think it would be worth it.”

“She apparently doesn’t think so.” Then I explained what we’d been talking about. We laughed a bit about that. Then, as if on cue, Synchronicity, by the Police, came on the gym’s sound system. So maybe it was one after all.

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8 Responses to Five Minutes of Pleasure

  1. Natalie says:


    wv – eneptie inept y

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    funny, R!

    i'm still wondering where this neuropsychiatrist got her sampling for her survey! ok – i'm done – gonna leave it alone now!

  3. Nancy says:

    Funny! We really do think differently, do doubt about it.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy, hm, well maybe for about five minutes…of arm wrestling.

  5. Gemel says:

    Funny, I love it when stuff like that happens 🙂

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    first, let me just add Ha!Ha!Ha! –
    now, where was i?

    and on the synch! too funny!!!

    oh, about the photo – rob, do you guys find a woman built like that attractive?

  7. Vicki D. says:


    wv-menesmss – mens miss-LOL

  8. Shadow says:

    ha, that's some serious lines criss-crossing

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