Obama & UFOs visit Cleveland area

President Obama flew to the Cleveland area to give his last speech on health care today (Monday). Interestingly, last night was the ninth night in a row that UFOs have been sighted over Lake Eerie and the Cleveland area. Here’s an article with video from  MSNBC.

We don’t know if this is synchronicity, but it’s interesting!

UPDATE: Dennis Kucinich flew with Obama today to Cleveland, and we just happened to remember that Dennis K. was the only presidential candidate in ’08 who said that he has seen a UFO. So, yeah, synchronicity, after all!

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14 Responses to Obama & UFOs visit Cleveland area

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I remember I felt the same way after Obama's speech in 04. He seemed destined for greatness. His challenge, though, is that even with a super majority, he has been too quick to garner support from the people who were power for 8 years and brought the country to the brink of disaster. It has hampered his ability to get things done.

  2. JamaGenie says:

    I've always felt that several events in the months before Obama was elected were orchestrated by the Universe. Perfect weather for his acceptance speech in Denver, but a hurricane on opening day of the Republican convention. The financial meltdown breaking wide open right when it looked like McC could win after all. A couple of other events that escape me now that couldn't be blown off as "coincidence".

    Even before that, thousands of people went online (me included) right after O's riveting speech at the '04 convention to say they *knew* he'd be the next Democratic president.

    I'd not heard about UFOs during the inauguration or in Cleveland, but I'm not surprised.

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    all joking aside, i agree with you, nancy – and as we here all know, there is no such thing as coincidence –

  4. Nancy says:

    Wow. I wonder what this means? These are transitory times, he is a transitory president. Not a coincidence, I'm sure.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    TOO TOO funny, your last comment, macgregors!!! fabulous!!!

    oh, and this wv=isses!!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Do aliens have universal health care?

  7. Natalie says:

    AWESOME! Well if they are feeding Obama info. then I am bound to like them. 🙂

    I think…..

  8. Shadow says:

    they were taking him his speech, heee heee heee

  9. d page says:

    There was a UFO flyby during the Inauguration:

    I was there and didn't notice it… but then, there was so much else happening.

  10. Vicki D. says:

    Visiting Cleveland…LOL.

    Interesting story, I wasn't going to post but then I saw the word verification and I had to share…
    expuspe – the first thing that came to my mind was expose…hmmm.

    I love Whitley Strieber's site, and sometime I'll share my experiences.

    As always thanks for the info.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Whitley Strieber has a journal entry on the sightings in the Cleveland area.

    Gemel, space brothers visiting Cleveland in March is more evidence their motives are mysterious. 😉

  12. Gemel says:

    Why is it the media wish to create fear, I am sure our space brothers would destroy us in an instant if that were their intention.
    And if that does not work they try the hoax approach.
    There is more to the Universe than the wonderful human, maybe it is time to embrace and welcome the merging of cultures?

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee, i knew i had forgotten something – i had intended to ask you if you had seen the thing about the ufo's and cleveland etc – my mind is a terrible thing to lose!!!

    ANYway, neat post! loved the video – does anyone know if obama has returned to dc? 😉

  14. Liza says:

    you know I thought David Wilcock was nuts for saying that Obama would bring disclosure on the issue of UFOs, but incidents like this make me wonder!

    ps…interesting synch with Carl Jung's Red Book. I kid you not I was just looking at a review of the book on another site yesterday. That excerpt that you included in your post was included in the review and caught my eye for a few reasons.
    Anyway, thanks so much for the link!!!

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