Guidestones Redux, part 2

Here’s the second part of Connie’s story. If you look closely at the photo above, you’ll see a halo around the Guidestones and also above the distant landscape. How this photo came about is part of the strange scenario that occurred at the mysterious site.


On with my experience…..Both sons were already walking around taking photos from various angles. Kenny has a professional camera but did not at any time change the lens or adjust the light meter on his equipment.  I had specifically asked him to keep everything unaltered other than to zoom in and out as he needed to do that.

I left the vehicle and went to read the time capsule plaque, walked around the Guidestones, then read the history.  After that,  I found the stone with the Egyptian language engraved upon it, and placed my palms against the granite.

It seemed to throb into my palms with some kind of pulsating energy, so I pressed the front side of my body against that stone, including the tips of my toes and my left cheek. I also pressed my palms and forearms against the stone on either side of my head. I closed my eyes.  The stone throbbed and pulsed.  It wasn’t my heartbeat. The sensation was definitely coming from the stone.

I couldn’t pull my body away from it.  It seemed as though there was a magnetic force, or energy, that held me against that rock the way a magnet hold a piece of paper on a refrigerator.  I didn’t resist  because it felt good, not frightening. I felt as if I couldn’t speak and didn’t try.

But our three-year-old, mimicing Grandma, put his tiny body against the center stone with his little arms stretched out against it, and he shouted, “Mommy, Mommy!  It’s a drum!” I’m sure he was feeling the throbbing and pulsing.

The granite was hot, although the day was chilly.  However, there was full sun which could account for the heat.  I simply stayed there flat againt my Egyptian pillar until the heat and the pulsing gradually ceased. When it stopped, it was as if a switch was flipped and my body, of its own accord, released from the stone. I felt very light-headed and slightly dizzy; the throbbing and pulsing seemed to have transferred to the interior of my head.

I started back to our vehicle so I could sit down and wait for the others. If I hadn’t had a tall walking cane, I would have fallen to the ground. As I neared the SUV, a white pick-up truck drove up and parked in the adjacent space on the passenger side.  The pickup was new and unmarked as if it had just left the dealer’s lot. The driver got out, nodded at me, and leisurely walked towards the stones.

This fellow was about 38 or so years old, with very pleasant, attractive clean-cut features, sandy-blond hair and a nice haircut. He was perhaps 5’11” to 6′ tall, broad shoulders, an athletic body.  I sat in my vehicle with the door open, and watched him.  He wore jeans and a white polo shirt.  I somehow knew it wasn’t his first visit there.  With his hands in his jeans pockets, he meandered to the time capsule, stood there a few minutes as if reading the engraving, then made a slow circle around the stones. He looked at the historical plaque, then leisurely circled the stones again. I watched him closely.

Meanwhile, both sons continued to snap pics.  Hubby eventually came and sat beside me in the driver’s seat and the youngest son and his family got in their van.  Kenny was snapping his final pics as the fellow passed him on his way back to the pickup truck.

The stranger half-smiled at me.  I smiled back and said, “Interesting, aren’t they?”  He responded, “They are.”  I said, “I’d love to know who really had them constructed.”  He grinned and said, “Maybe Donald Trump.”  I shook my head and said, “Trump isn’t spiritual,” then added: “Some of the researchers say RC Christian took his pseudonym from a founder of The Rosicrucians.”

The man leaned towards me, pierced my eyes with his, and they were the most startling, extraordinary shade of shattered-crystal gray-blue. They were penetrating, mesmerizing. I couldn’t move my eyes from his. In a quiet voice with just a slight smile, he said,  “Maybe aliens.” I responded, “Yes?”  He held my gaze and said, “This could be a landing space for alien craft.” Then he broke the intense gaze and got into his pickup.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to see his license plate because for a few moments I felt ridiculously paralyzed and couldn’t move my head, even though I desperately wanted to. There was absolutely nothing about this man to suggest craziness or any kind of off-the-wall nonsense. Just your average Joe?  Uh-uh.

Kenny was in the backseat by then, and as we drove away, heading north once again, he began to download the photos onto his laptop.  We’d driven a few miles when he suddenly exclaimed “Oh my God, Mom!”

“What? What?” I asked.  He handed me his laptop and pointed to two photos he’d taken after the stranger had walked around the entire knoll.  In those two photographs, the entire scene has a brilliant almost sapphire blue cast to it, and the Guidestones are emanating a wide light blue energy aura!  That energy aura is also emanating from the hedge all the way around the three sides of the grassy knoll.  It’s unmistakable. And there is a vague cloudy haze behind the knoll in the sky where there had only been normal mid-day clear sky.  Kenny did not do anything whatsoever to alter his pictures.  He didn’t shift his light meter or change his lens.  He simply kept snapping pictures.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.  The spectacular blue tone of the entire scene, but the aura…or energy force….or whatever the heck it was….is astonishingly clear.

Who was that person?  Both my sons and my daughter-in-law were taking pictures with their different cameras, and not one of them caught an image of the man although he was all over the place moving in and out of their view-finders.  Say what? We have no picture of him, but all of us saw him, spoke to him, and I actually had a brief conversation with him!

I won’t attempt to explain the obvious shift that occurred on that knoll as he walked there, and the effects left on the photos. I’ll leave it at this, and let everyone decide what their own intuition may say.  I know what mine tells me, and am anxious to hear from others.


I asked Connie if Kenny was using a polarizer filter. Such filters are used to enhance the blue sky on bright days to avoid a washed-out look. One twist of the filter could darken the sky. However, I don’t know if the polarizer filter would cause the halo effect. Regardless, Connie responded that Kenny was not using a filter on his lens.

As an aside, I looked over the post late last night, made a couple of minor changes, then hit the update button. The story vanished and never re-appeared. So I retrieved the original e-mail and reconstructed it.  That’s the first time a post has vanished like that. – R

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40 Responses to Guidestones Redux, part 2

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Nancy, I agree with you 150% about the quintessential “purpose” for my visit to the Stones was planned, and to meet the Stranger, and to receive his message, more than to receive healing. The image of him is etched as clearly in my mind’s eye as if he is still standing a couple of feet from me. His message was two-fold: he suggested that perhaps RC Christian was “an alien”, and then suggested that the Guidestones could be a “landing space for alien craft”. His startling, intense, shattered-crystal gray-blue eyes were hypnotic, as I mentioned earlier. I couldn’t take my eyes from his until he “released” mine. I’ve had experiences like that during encounters. However, this experience was not malefic. It felt so benevolent that I had an overwhelming urge to get out of my vehicle and take his hand, but I actually couldn’t move. This was all witnessed by the rest of the family, but they were unaware of the power that was being channelled into me by this “man”. I’ve been planning to go to the Guidestones since I first read about them several years ago, but obviously the timing wasn’t right until now. I emailed T & R tonight that I can’t pull my mind away from the knoll, or the man, and that my life since being there is extremely weird is certain unnerving yet enthralling ways. I am definitely being “guided” by an invisble force or energy or entity in specific directions, and I’m following this nudging that won’t leave me alone. Time will tell us, I hope, the underlying whatever. I told my hubby tonight that I need him to drive me back up there without the kids. He asked me why. I responded that there are some things I need to do there, but am not sure what those things are. He’s become accustomed to my magical ways and usually just honors my requests without interference. We shall see. I really am anxious to hear everyone’s ideas about the entire incident, which, as you said, was not coincidental.

  2. Nancy says:

    Math – The reason I asked if you had already known about the stones and if your trip was already planned is because I have a feeling all of this is not an accident. I found them on Conscious Media Network – was totally intriqued and wrote a blog post about them – Trish reads my blog and felt exactly the same way and wrote about them – you read her blog and just happened to be planning a trip there. Synchronicity for sure! I’m wondering if there is something for everyone here. And while I am thrilled you experienced a healing – the message for me was what the stranger said “maybe it was a landing site for aliens,” because I keep having this “feeling” that at some point the veil will fall and we will see thousands of UFOs filling the skies. I have no idea where that idea came from, but everytime I look out over broad vista views I think there may be vehicles in the sky – just cloaked.

    Okay, now I’ll take my crazy talk and go, LOL.

  3. DJan says:

    I only learned about the Guidestones recently from Nancy’s “Life in the Second Half” blog. Then all this. I am so intrigued by the Stones and the messages they have on them. Whatever they are, they are definitely positive energy. I am so privileged to have been on the planet when all this is coming to fruition. Thanks to R & T, and especially to Mathaddict for these fascinating and healing stories.

    I come over here now and then because I have so much difficulty loading first the site itself, and then again for the comments. Twice they simply disappeared and I had to start over again. This doesn’t happen to me on ANY other blogs, wordpress or blogspot. I wonder why? It’s always worth my effort when I simply slow down and wait… 🙂

    • R and T says:

      djan – sorry about the blog messing up. Not sure what the problem is!

    • I have the same problem. Every time I go to this blog, it always freezes up my computer FOREVER! Its frustrating. Its less extreme on my work computer, though. It still freezes everything up for a minute or two, then its okay. At home, the freeze lasts more than ten or fifteen minutes, so I usually give up and wait until I’m at work to read the posts.

      I never had this problem when the blog was on the other blog site. Wonder what the cause of it is? This is the only blog that does that to my computer. Perhaps a Trickster?

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Not meaning to keep on and on about this, but it occurs to me that the comment from Nicholas that RC Christian may have been back from our future seems to resonate with some kind of potential truth, as I read and re-read the inscriptions on the Stones. Perhaps RC Christian knew (knows) what lays ahead for humanity in terms, particularly, for the eventual number of our species who may remain after some as yet unforeseen catastrophic event. Because….he begins with a much-reduced number of humans on our planet, and ends with an admonition, almost a plea, to “BE NOT A CANCER ON THE EARTH. LEAVE ROOM FOR NATURE. LEAVE ROOM FOR NATURE”. Maybe he knew exactly what is out there in front of us, and that awareness prompted him to attempt to guide us towards reconstruction of our species. I find absolutely nothing dark or evil in these scripts, but then, I was profoundly healed, (whether the body, mind, and spirit healing is temporary or permanent doesn’t matter), so how could I find evil where such healing exists!

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    I wish I had some way to know, Trish, if there have been reports of other healings from people during visits to the GuideStones. However, I’ve not seen or read any. I tend to think if these have occurred….and since it occurred for me, why not for others?….that the city fathers of that tiny town of Elberton would quickly find a way to hush it up.They even “doctored” the history that appears on the inscription of the plaque which gives the history of the monolith, by saying that RC Christian chose that site “because he was a Christian man”. That remark, engraved in the bronze plaque, is pure fiction. As a matter of fact, the evangelical bible-belt Christians whose presence dominate that area, are the ones who constantly defaced it with horrific graffiti, calling it satanic, evil, etc etc etc. So I imagine if folks began to report seemingly miraculous healings taking place when they visit and/or touch the Stones, the born-agains would prevent it from becoming public knowledge. I absolutely had a healing there, of some sort. Whether it came from my laying my body against the Egyptian pillar, or from the Stranger whom I didn’t physically touch but who radiated an indefinable energy that was profound and high, or simply from my walking the site among the Stones, I can’t know. What I do know is that after being there, immediately I was changed, and the changes have continued. We arrived back in FL last Monday. This is Saturday morning. No PD meds yet, and like your Dad, without them on a daily basis for the last several years I would have been completely non-functional. There is more than the physical healing, though, and for me this is such an important issue: the depressions of PD have left me. Not only that, but the recent terrible chaos within our family caused by our oldest son’s shattered marriage had me shredded, prior to the visit. After I went to the Stones, I have been in a state of unprecedented PEACE to the point where I am simply undisturbed, unruffled, by the situation. This is as magnificent for me, almost, as the lack of need for the PD meds. It demonstrates that the healing touched not only my body but my mind and heart and soul, as well. I am incredbly blessed, even if this turns out ot be a temporary reprieve. If anyone can locate ANYTHING about other healings that have occurred at the Georgia Guidestones, please please share. I can’t be the only one. Their construction was finished in 1980. 31 years ago. Somewhere there must be something, perhaps cunningly hidden by the community there to prevent an influx of ailing folks needing such assistance. I was intuitively “pulled” to go there and wasn’t able to resist that pull. Others must surely experience that same irresistable tug.

  6. Vicki D. says:

    Wow it is amazing that you have been off meds for 4 days!!
    I remember seeing a show about Stonhenge and they noticed that when they added drumming within the henge that people felt entranced and calm. They felt that it possibly had been used for healing. I found it interesting that you heard and felt a steady beat and your grandson mentioned drumming.
    A fascinating story all around.

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    End of Day Four, and still no Parkinson’s medications needed!! YeeHaa!!! This is positively amazingly weird and pure bliss!! Thought occurred to me earlier tonight: I find myself wondering if I “asked” for a visit from the Stranger, will he come to visit me here, even if it’s just in a sleeping dream or while I’m meditating? Wouldn’t that just be the bee’s knees?? Wow. I shall give it a truly sincere attempt and see what may happen. Worth a shot, right? Yes!

    • R and T says:

      This is great, math! If my dad had gone 4 days without his meds, he wouldn’t be able to move. Have there been reports of any other healings associated with the guidestones?

  8. Natalie says:

    Awesomeness x 100000000000000000. Loved your story, Connie.
    I hope the healing stays with you, and that you can meet with the stranger again.

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    Thank you all so much for your comments about my awesome adventure, and especially about the apparent healing that resulted. We have mysteries to consider; ideas to toss around about the entire experience. I’m far from being “done” with the Georgia Guidestones, and yes, T & R, on some level you must have known I was going. I never mentioned that to you, yet the visit to the Stones has been on our agenda since we learned about the wedding and I knew I’d be making that trip. There will be other trips. Although I thoroughly enjoyed our little ones, and certainly Cameron confirmed my own sensations, I feel a need to go there without the distractions of young children. There seem to be certain “things” I need to do, but I don’t know what those things are at this time. We shall see, no doubt. And yes, RC Christian could very well have been from our future. The points about which I have zero doubt, is that the Stranger was known to me; he was not ‘of us’; and I will see him again Somewhere, Sometime, and will recognize him.

  10. Kate I says:

    This is so interesting and the photo is amazing…I’ve never heard of this monument before but my curiosity is now piqued!

  11. Vicki D. says:

    Wow, this was so interesting, especially to hear of a personal account.
    The pictures are great too. I often see the aura around plants etc. But it usually has more of a yellow hue.
    Thank you CJ for sharing this experience and I hope the healing continues!

  12. mathaddict3322 says:

    Nancy, when the wedding plans began to come together for our niece in Rabun County, GA early last year and we knew we would be going, I told my husband I definitely MUST stop at the Georgia Guidestones. I’d known about them for a long time but due to my illness, hubby has been making the trips to N. GA to see his family there, alone and without me. My neighbor across the street for the past almost-twenty years is on our spiritual page. She is the leader of a small spiritual group that has purchased a site near Dahlonega, GA, to build a spiritual community there. It is on another ley line and alledgedly is also on the site of an enormous buried crystal, which could very well be true because there are numerous crystal caves in that area.
    Elayna visited the Stones. During her visit a few years ago, however, the evangelicals had trashed them with graffiti, etc, and the energy wasn’t positive or high. She defined it as being “neutral”, and she is a strong sensitive-intuitive. Since then, Someone has removed the graffiti; no one knows who; and it hasn’t re-appeared. The frequency there now is simply beyond any means of description. So, bottom line, yes, I’ve known about America’s Stonehenge for several years and have known I would eventually go there. Evidently so did Someone else….the Stranger didn’t manifest out of the ether. Or did he????

    • R and T says:

      And maybe at some level we also knew that you were headed to the Guidestones. How else did it come about that we wrote a post about the stones days before you were leaving. You’d mentioned the wedding trip, but hadn’t said a word to us about your planned side trip.

      One thing I like about the Guidestones is that, for us, they represent the vastness of mystery–the greater mysteries of life. Just when we might think we are pretty well informed about such sites – here and abroad – a new mysterious place appears that previously had been under our radar.

  13. D Page says:

    I looked forward to Connie’s report on her adventure. Thanks for sharing it with us,

    Brad Meltzer’s show on the History Channel, Decoded, filmed an episode on the Georgia Guidestones last year. They have the episode on the History channel site.

    The translation of the message is this:










  14. mathaddict3322 says:

    I later asked my DIL what little Cameron was doing when he yelled at her about the drum because I was unable to open my own eyes to see. I asked her to describe his position, and she told me that he was “hugging” the center stone but that he had his arms outstretched, while mine were bent at the elbow with my hands on either side of my face. If he hadn’t felt the throbbing and pulsing, I’d have considered it to be my imagination. Having not mentioned it myself, however, and because it happened simultaneous to my own sensation of it, I feel it was a solid confirmation of that soundless resonating. Felt but not heard. Again, awesome. This is weird, guys, but honestly, I have a sense that some aspects of me are still there. Now THAT is crazy, and I can’t explain it, Maybe it’s just that the experiences were so profound I somehow have fragmented for awhile and actually left some of me on the Stone. I wish I could describe this more adequately.

  15. Nancy says:

    I have a question – Math Addict were you going to stop by this monument before you read the post on this site?

  16. mathaddict3322 says:

    T & R, the orb is a darker blue perfect circle and isn’t near a cloud. Coming off of it there is an almost-invisible curved “stream” that also isn’t a cloud and that disappears off the edge of the pic. Hard to see, but there.

  17. mathaddict3322 says:

    Maggie that is so synchronistic! I work in Hebrew and with Egyptian heiroglyphic cryptography every day, and of course the Hebrew language is read from right to left as opposed to ours, which reads left to right. I automatically read right to left all the time. In my Egyptian Sanctuary, there is a family of camels (gorgeous large tabletop sculptures created in Cairo) who have joined me. There is LEMAC, (the mother, camel spelled right to left), ELAM,(male, right to left), and LRIG, (girl, right to left and pronounced “lyric”, the daughter camel who is sitting while her parent camels are standing). I hadn’t done Elberton right to left and am glad you did. Bass makes so much sense in terms of musical tones, sounds, and vibrations….as in the movie CLOSE ENCOUNTERS. You are correct, there was “no treble”. It was purely bass, throbbing and pulsing. I’m leaning towards an idea that there is a form of healing energy available for those who may be receptive to it at the site. I didn’t ask for it, not on any overtly conscious level, but definitely received it. RC Christian had to have had extremely specific reasons for the location he chose for the Guidestones, just as the ancients has specific reasons for the locations of the Pyramids and Stonehenge. Planetary ley lines, electromagnetic forces, astronomical alignments, etc. I want to be there at night but also all day one day, to watch the ascension and descension of the sun, moon, stars and constellations as seen through the strategically-placed holes oh geez I’m having a deja’vu moment here… That Stranger gave me a message. I’m sure of it. “….could be a landing space for craft…..” then he walked away from me. OOooohhhhhhh darn…Waaaahhhhh!! I want to BE THERE!!!!!

  18. mathaddict3322 says:

    The fellow in the photo is our youngest son Carey, who happened to be wearing jeans and a white shirt himself. So far, we’ve not located a pic of the Stranger although he was definitely within the viewfinders of the three cameras. Gyps, the geophysical compass positions are on Wikipedia with the latitude and longitude. We were parked east of the Stones, facing west. The sun was high in just-past-mid-sky. There were three cameras, photos being snapped from all angles with each of them, and the fellow hasn’t appeared in any of them, altho all of the prints haven’t been processed by Carey and his wife yet at Office Max or wherever. Am anxious to get those. Of interest, if you look to the upper right of the Stones, near the edge of the pic, there is a distinct orb that, on the actual print, has a curved “tail” behind it. This sparks curiousity. I can hardly wait for Nicholas to go there in December and hear what he may experience! Synchronistically, when hubby took me later to my favorite bookstore in Franklin, NC, I purchased several books, and it turns out that each of them has Egypt as a central theme. They are all non-fiction except for Dan Brown’s third novel THE LOST SYMBOL. I had no idea these books were Egyptian-oriented. One of them literally fell on my foot: by Jess Stearn about Edgar Cayce, very very old text, and I believed I owned all of Stearn’s books but didn’t have this one, and it is about Cayce and RA, etc. All in all, this trip was a series of mysteries and puzzles and extraordinary, awesome incidents. I want MORE!!!!!!!

    • R and T says:

      I can only see clouds so it would be hard to distinguish what is cloud, what is orb. If the orb was against the grassy foreground, that would be another matter.

    • I looked on the map last night and saw that Elberton is near the South Carolina border. It will be tough convincing my parents to drive me out there just to view this monument, but I have two friends who are interested in that kind of stuff and I may be able to convince one of them to drive me out there for a visit. I definitely want to do something special, as I turn 40 at the end of the year and had planned to spend it in Las Vegas or Mexico City, but I decided to go home for a visit instead, since I haven’t spent Christmas with my family since 2005. I’ll treat a visit to the Guidestones as a 40th birthday gift to myself. And I hope something strange and wonderful happens when I visit! I’ll have a digital camera with me.

      The guy you saw there that has not been captured on camera and whose truck had no license plates is intriguing. I, too, would love to know more about him. I had the thought after I read yesterday’s post that perhaps the mysterious person who created the guidestones and had them placed is from the future or another dimension and that this thing will have some relevance to humans in the future. I’m interested in checking out the energy of the monument.

  19. I just noticed that if you spell Elberton backwards…it spells no treble…maybe what Connie was hearing was bass. I looked at the wiki pages for treble and bass, and it’s pretty interesting. I know it’s a stretch but had to take a look at the fact that Connie was hearing and feeling this.
    My son and are heard booming sounds coming from who knows where today…but felt like the sky. Have heard of others hearing these unexplainable booming sounds…if my ears could describe what it would look like it would be a big smoke ring in the sky.

  20. mathaddict3322 says:

    On the blog yesterday a couple of folks asked about the “change” I’ve experienced since visiting the Stones. I’ll try to be brief, (difficult, under the circumstances). In 1993 I began to have neurological symptoms that were orginally diagnosed as MS, then a few years later were definitively and accurately re-diagnosed as Parkinson’s Disease, which is an incurable progressive debilitating brain ailment whose symptoms worsen over time. I am currently in stage four of the six stages, and for the past year and a half have had quite a terrible struggle with this disorder. Daily medications are absolutely essential if the patient is to be functional, and I take them but hate them.
    After visiting the Stones, I realized that I wasn’t feeling the need to take the meds as often. This hasn’t happened at any time in the past. Then, for the past three days, I’ve taken NO MEDS AT ALL. Parkinson’s, unlike MS, is not a relapsing/remitting disease process. It is constant. For me, this profound shift in my body is phenomenal, and it raises more questions than I am able to answer. I emailed the info to T & R, and am repeating it here: Did a healing occur at the Guidestones, such as those that occur at Lourdes? Is this a coincidence? Will it last? Did it have something to do with the Stranger that I continue to feel a yearning to have touched and to see again, and who seemed intimately familiar to me yet I’ve never encountered him in my life? Was he the manifestation of a healer from Spirit? Was he a “good guy” alien? Was he RC Christian in a different image? I can report with integrity that he demonstrated no interest in speaking with or looking at anyone else who was with me. His attention was focused entirely on me, but I don’t know why. Did this obvious healing I’ve experienced come from him, from my electromagnetic contact with the Egyptian pillar, or from some kind of invisible but palpable energy force at the site itself? And what are those two geodesic dome structures that sit on the high knoll across highway 77? Are they housing for telescopes or some kind of astronomical whatever? What’s inside them? In studying the photos intently and as objectively as I can, I asked T & R if they remember the old TV series TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL, and the “glow” that would appear around the characters who were the angels when they identified themselves as angels. I don’t think the Stranger at the Stones was an angel,(he could have been, depending upon one’s spiritual convictions), but he certainly, undoubtedly, had something powerful to do with creating the glowing halo around the site, and especially the Stones. Photographically, an old professional here has told us that such an effect cannot be photographically created without special equipment and special techniques and special environments, such as a studio or various types of Hollywood savvy. Otherwise, he said, everything will have the halo effect, not just certain objects or areas. For selective glowing halo effects to be achieved, those special things are necessary, and Kenny didn’t have them. So the glowing halo is real and not trickery. My gratitude for whatever happened to me is simply unfathomable. I am more emotionally stable than I’ve been in several years; I feel immersed in a kind of peace that has eluded me for longer than I can recall. I’ve kept a dream journal for forty years and dream each night, faithfully recording the nocturnal “life”. After visiting the Stones, I remembered not a single dream the entire time we were in the mountains. The night we got home, I had a dream about the End of Days, I assume, yet it seemed much more tanglible than a dream. Since that one dream, I’m not remembering my sleepwork. Haven’t a clue what this is about, but it’s another of the dramatic shifts. If nothing happens to prevent it, we’re going back in late March, 2012. I hope the Stranger will come again. There are so very many questions I want to ask him…would he offer answers?? Oh, I do hope so!!

  21. That’s an amazing place. I didn’t see the man in the photo until I enlarged it…is he with the group? The aura is unmistakable. What an experience this must have been. Kids are so good at picking up vibrations…it totally confirms what Connie was feeling. And the guy that showed up…now that was just freaky. Thanks for sharing this….makes me want to hop in the car and take a look for myself.

  22. gypsy says:

    well, first thing – wow! on the photo – the story – the post disappearing – wow! on all! i’ve read and re-read the post, just to absorb and retain – an incredible experience, cj! now, you KNOW how i’m wishing i had been there!!! incredible! the photo speaks volumes, showing that magnificent aura – oh, and lest i forget, in which geographical direction was the camera pointing? i was just wondering if the aura was visible from other directions, as well – like, whether it made a difference, even, as to which stones were facing the camera, etc – does it show in other photos? and the man visible there between the columns – he seems to be wearing jeans and a white shirt – was this one of you all? i’m sure you are not quite the same after your extraordinary experience with “your stone”, cj – how wonderful – and that your little grandson “heard or felt” the vibrations – there is such openness and receptivity with children – and the man, another of the blonde men – remarkable his comment to you – or – not!

    great story – great experience for cj – and great experience for us reading it all –

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