Wolf Medicine

Here’s a visual synchronicity related to my new novel, TIME CATCHER, that just came out. Notice the cover above, and the one below. Both have a wolf theme. Yet, wolves play a minor role in each one and the books came out under different publishers with different art directors.

While both novels are part of the same series, TIME CATCHER is a departure from the previous three in that the saga jumps ahead in time. Rather than a high-school aged student, Will Lansa is now an adult, an anthropology professor at Rocky Mountain College. About to embark on a vacation between semesters, he’s  called back the Hopi Reservation by his grandmother to pursue a metaphysical mystery related to the Hopi prophecies and Pahana, a legendary figure from Hopi mythology.

The wolf in TIME CATCHER is a seriously over-sized creature that enters the world through an inter-dimensional portal in Canyon de Chelly. In Double Heart, the wolf is a shape-shifter.

The dueling wolf covers made me wonder about wolf medicine. Here’s what I found when I made a quick on-line perusal. As a totem, Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan to teach and share medicine. Wolf is a wild spirit.

The senses of Wolf are very keen, and the moon is its power ally. The moon is the symbol for psychic energy, or the unconscious that holds the secrets of knowledge and wisdom. Baying at the moon may be an indication of Wolf’s desire to connect with new ideas which are just below the surface of consciousness.

I think Wolf is my new power animal!





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7 Responses to Wolf Medicine

  1. D Page says:

    Jamie Sams (Medicine Cards) has the wolf linked to Sirius (the dog star) and the extraterrestrial presence.
    It’s a powerful totem.

  2. Nancy says:

    No doubt! I have been into animal medicine for a while now. I keep seeing the Coyote – including yesterday where one stopped near our car and when I called out to it and spoke softly to it – it began to follow our truck. This was at Lake Tahoe. Lucy would have none of it however, and starting barking. She wasn’t into a new sibling.

    The point I’m trying to make is that I do believe we have animals that are spirit guides, and the wolf sounds like it is yours. Congrats on the new book!

  3. Nancy pickard says:

    What wonderful covers!
    My maiden name was Wolfe. : )

  4. How timely – tomorrow is he Full moon in Aries. I don’t have any personal wolf stories except for the fact that when my daughter is annoyed with me she tells me that she was raised by wolves. I say back, “You are so lucky.”

  5. I’ve had many synchronicities with wolves (some of tham mentioned in my comments in this blog). My mother is Vuka (vuk means wolf). My online friend posted me this picture (dream catcher instead of time catcher)
    https://guanabee.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/a-wolf-dreamcatcher-11274-265×354.jpg after my sharing of one of those synchros.

  6. gypsy says:

    well, i would certainly say so, too, rob, that the wolf is your new power animal! since my recent experience with the large grey wolf crossing the highway here, i’ve had several other wolf related synchronicities and have begun to think the same thing – these are such magnificently powerful images, both of them – and i cannot tell you how much i love both of them – am moved by them – what secrets they must be guarding between the covers! can’t wait to read both books – incredible, these images from two different publishers, etc – your words much carry the same power as these magnificent creatures, for the two publishers both to have seen this animal as your covers! great story!

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