Strange Magic

Synchronicities, like birthday gifts, come in all shapes and sizes. Not all of them are mind blowers, but even the smaller ones hold a message. Christina G sent us the next two. They involve music and books, areas where synchronicities often manifest themselves. 

About three weeks ago, I was driving home and stopped off at the local Wawa (common  convenience store in Pennsylvania and some other places on the East Coast, if you’re not familiar). I’ve got a CD in the car of a bunch of old ELO tunes and asI turned the car off, it had just gotten through the first few bars of “Strange Magic”.

I can’t describe the feeling I had when just as I entered the store, “Strange Magic” began again at that moment, this time on the canned house music. Very  weird…what are the odds? That tune’s got to be 30 years old, and it’s not exactly popular these days.

Had to laugh at the universe’s sense of humor on the choice of tunes too…Strange  magic indeed!

The second synch happened just yesterday. I awoke to discover that the wifi connection I share with my neighbors had kicked out, and I had work to do on the  ‘net, so I headed over to the local coffeehouse/used book place to hang and make  use of their connection. I can’t go to any bookstore without browsing, and I
usually get sucked into buying something, and yesterday was no exception.

I ended up with two books that are a little out of character for me, but looked interesting. I’d never heard or seen either one, and didn’t know the authors either. The books were “Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry” by John J. Robinson and “The Disappearance of the Universe” by Gary R. Renard. Well, it was a beautiful almost-spring day here and I decided to take a drive out to a town I used to live in that has a great independent book store–new books in this one. It’s about 40 miles south of the small city I live in now, and I hadn’t been there in at least two years or more.

While I was browsing the shelves, I came across both the books I’d just purchased earlier in the afternoon, used–right next to each other.

I’d say that if there’s any message there, it’s that for some reason, I’m supposed  to read both those books. I’d better get cracking.

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11 Responses to Strange Magic

  1. Vicki D. says:

    These book synchros happen to me all of the time, it's fun.

    This past weekend we were at a college get together for students who had been accepted (with my daughter). It was great and at the end she said "OK lets get my sweatshirt for my new school" . Yea, I love this school and it is so perfect for her but she had to love it herself.
    Well…the next day we are in the car leaving our hotel to head home and she was saying that she didn't really feel that she was in college yet etc. when a car pulled in front of me and before I could get mad I noticed the license plate holder on the back, it had the name of the college we had just formally accepted!
    We both laughed and she said "I guess someone is trying to tell me I made the right decision!"

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    These are impressive! A string of synchronicities spread out over time that led you to a new place.

  3. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Book synchro #1 (in 2002): A set of Jung's books at my home, bought my father, but never read
    Book synchro #2 (in 2003): Hesse's novels (one of them Damian) from the former owners of our house (I've never met them) – some events in Damian (I'll never tell you which) similar to my life at that time (also a home synchro mentioned in the novel itself)
    Book synchro #3 (in 2004): It's Saturday and I am planning to buy in Monday the book Putnici (Travelers – about altered states of consciousness, synchronicity…) by Milovan-Mica Jovanovic. Hesse's Magister Ludi (Glass Bead Game) is mentioned in the Serbian movie Mi nismo andjeli (We Are Not Angels). I bought in Monday both books. Hesse's Damian is mentioned in Travelers.
    Book synchro #4 (in 2004): Collective unconscious was mentioned on TV while the novel Carigradski drum (Road to Constantinople) by Nenad Ilic was presented. It's about coincidences, about time moving in both directions… Collective unconscious isn't mentioned, but for some reason my name (relatively common here) and my mother's name (relatively rare – Vuka) and its etymology (wolf) are.
    Book synchro #5 (2005, I think.) While I was walking in our capital Belgrade, I had some kind of transpersonal experience combined with fever. I don't recall why I entered a book store, but there was the book Stanja izmenjene svesti (Altered States of Consciousness) by Stevan Petrovic (published in 1990). I bought it. Stevan Petrovic has written the official review for Putnici (Book synchro #3).
    Fast forward to 2007-2010 – Synchronicities (more or less intense) are happening to me daily.

  4. Natalie says:

    Strange magic indeed. 🙂

  5. Nancy says:

    I deleted the second one. The comments are taking forever to load – hmmm I wonder if it's my computer! We're trying to remember the song…

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It showed up – I just have comment moderation on.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love that one! The odds are probably astronomical! What was the song?

  8. Nancy says:

    Good ones.

    My husband I were driving the other day listening to music. He was listening to his I-Pod through the stereo and I was listening to my I-Pod with ear buds. I pulled them out to notice he was listening to the same song at the same time! What are the odds of that happening?

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yes, a little tug on Indra's Net.

  10. Mike Clelland! says:

    Pay attention!

    These are threads – Pull on 'em and see where they lead!

    (that was advice I got – and it was wonderful)

  11. Anonymous says:

    I enjoy these kinds of synchronicities. They make me feel like I'm in synch with the day.

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