Moves and White Feathers

Major transitions often initiate synchronicities – marriage or divorce, the birth of a child, a death, career change, or, as in the next story, a move. This synchronicity is from Julie Ralphs of Nottringham, England.

We have recently moved after many years of my husband being reluctant to move. We put our house on the market and within a week had an offer. It was from a young couple who lived in the next town 30 miles away.

When their contact details came through, my mother-in-law was with me and I asked her if she knew where they lived as she had lived in the town 25 years before. She said  she knew of the road, but what was the number? When I told her, she explained it was across the road from her best friend of 40 years, the only person in that town with whom she has kept in touch.

 We quickly found a house to view and fell in love with it. It was in a better part of the same village, on a road that my husband had always liked. He described the house to his younger brother, even down to the secret cupboards in the bedrooms, and learned that when my husband’s family moved to the village 25 years ago, his brother viewed the property with their parents. They didn’t buy it because it had a steep drive. This meant a lot to my husband, who had lost his father suddenly over a year ago, as he knew that his Dad had seen the house.

A  few months earlier I had visited a medium who said I would move and that the house would have an orchard in the garden. It has an apple tree, but the house is built on farm land that was used as orchards for fruit growing. The day we moved in, I  was talking to my mum in the kitchen and the removals men were bringing boxes into the house. Mum looked at the worktop where we were sitting and said ‘look a white feather’. I didn’t know what this meant then, but she said it signified ‘someone watching over us.’ I’d like to think it was my father-in-law.”
The white feather is intriguing. I first read about this phenomenon on Mike Perry’s blog.

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7 Responses to Moves and White Feathers

  1. JamaGenie says:

    I've never personally experienced a white feather after a death, but know others who have. Only a few recognized the significance of it.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nat – your experience goes right along with what Gwendolyn said – gifts from spirit. I love it.

  3. Natalie says:

    Something going on here!!!
    I was just about to repost my story of how my dead Nanna always leaves white feathers for me. She left me one yesterday at the back door, I had been having some 'visits' this week from someone, and asked who it was?
    Nanna of course!She always leaves me one when i struggling with something. Also, the clock has been 11:11, 2:22, 4:44 etc all week.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I like that – gifts from spirit. Maggie – maybe the fact that they don't blow away is auspicious!
    I need to conjure some white feathers now. Lucky you, Mike, still seeing them.

  5. Gwendolyn H. Barry says:

    My American Indian teacher Tommy told me many years ago, as he noticed me picking up a feather, that feathers are gift from Spirit. White feathers have always appeared, very clean and inviting to reach for in auspicious places for me. I'm glad to hear this meaning… this tradition. TY. I pick up feathers, nearly always.

  6. maggie's garden says:

    I've been finding gray feathers on my front lawn. It's amazing to me that I'm finding them because its been quite windy here and I would think they'd just blow away. I also had a Mourning Dove hit my back door, and was grateful for your comment on my blog letting me know that this is a sign for peace and harmony. I'd hope the feathers in the front yard are an indication of the same.
    As always…love stopping in here! Really excited for the release of your new book!

  7. 67 Not Out (MIke Perry) says:

    Ah, the white feathers. My wife and I still see them occasionally – we did a couple of days ago and had a subsequent nice surprise – but not as frequently now as when we lost a loved one.

    Thanks for the mention in the post.


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