UFO video

I came across this video on Whitley Strieber’s site, the best source for this kind of information. Its supposedly from Milan, Italy, and as I was watching it, I thought, Hey wait a minute. If this is from Italy, how come I understand what this guy is saying? He’s speaking Spanish, that’s why. I need to do a bit of research about that discrepancy. It seems the broadcast is coming from a Spanish-speaking  country. Regardless, the video is fascinating.



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11 Responses to UFO video

  1. Nancy says:

    I watched this on Whitley’s site and I just don’t know what to think of it. The broadcast in Spanish is a television show that follows the UFO phenomenon. The Spanish-speaking countries are much further ahead of us in understanding.

  2. Darren B says:

    Bit of a synchro,I just came over from Barry Eaton’s “Radio Out There” site, after listening to an interview with Valarie Barrow (someone I had never heard of before) called “When The First Ancestors Were Created”.
    It’ s about Aboriginal beliefs about aliens from way back,and how she came into possession of a sacred stone from the alien’s planet.Normally I wouldn’t listen to an interview like this,but there seems to be something in this interview that speaks to me on a subconscious level and seems to provide me with some answers to questions I have been thinking about for a few years.
    I have been listening to Barry’s weekly shows since meeting him at the Byron Bay Writer’s Festival and reading his book “Afterlife”,and can say Barry is one of the most sincerest people you could meet.
    I don’t know anything more about about Valerie,other than what’s said in the interview,but I am intrigued to know more about her story.I don’t know about the spaceship with 50 000 crew members being shot out of the sky,with only 90 crew surviving it…but who knows?
    I found it quite interesting,but one person’s treasure is another person’s junk.
    I just thought since I don’t really get into the UFO scene that much,and you post a story on a UFO sighting right after I listen to this interview on Barry’s site,which is more on the paranormal than UFOs,I thought I should give it a mention.

  3. Melissa says:

    Interesting…can’t wait to hear what you find. Maybe they were broadcasting from a Spanish-speaking country about the sighting which took place in Milan?

  4. An interesting video, but it’s difficult to come to any definite conclusions but, who knows …

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