7.2 Quake Mexicali

This afternoon, there was a 7.2 quake in Mexicali, Mexico. When I was reading about the aftershocks felt in L.A, I wondered if some of the planetary empaths we wrote about in a March 11 post had felt anything.

This evening, I dropped by d page’s blog. She’s one of these empaths we wrote about. Her account of the quake is vivid. And yes, she apparently felt it beforehand.Read her account here.

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6 Responses to 7.2 Quake Mexicali

  1. Natalie says:

    wv Connesse
    Must be a very unpleasant experience.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jen – very interesting. We also heard from our friend Connie Cannon, who we mentioned in that post on planetary empaths – who also experienced some unpleasant symptoms.

  3. Jeninacide says:

    Oh WOW. I didn't even hear about the quake until this morning as we went to the coast for the weekend and were somewhat disconnected from society.

    Yesterday afternoon I was having ringing in my ears and can totally relate to d page's feeling of not being connected to her body. I felt like my atomic particles were vibrating very quickly- and I was very emotional (crying several times) and ended up taking a nap as well. I felt so strange that we ended up staying another night at the coast because I couldn't bring myself to clean up the beach house until this morning. I tried to blame it on just Easter laziness, but the weird vibrations I felt may be connected?

  4. d page says:

    Trish & Rob-
    I couldn't find you email, so here's mine: watcherashera@gmail.com

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm beginning to wonder if planetary empaths like d and others are part of our evolution as human beings. They teach us to become more in tune in with the earth. Or something along those lines.

  6. Nancy says:

    Thanks for the link.

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