Air tragedy linked to past

Whenever there’s a tragedy that gains worldwide attention, there’s usually synchronicity related to it. That is certainly the case of the crash of a Polish jet in Russia last Saturday. As you’ve probably heard, Poland lost its president, top military brass, and other elite members of Polish society  in the crash that killed 96.

Here’s the sad synchronicity. The plane crashed in Russia’s Katyn forest where thousands of Polish officers and intellectuals were slain by Soviet forces in World War II in an attempt to eliminate some the country’s leaders. That, in itself, is a startling synchronicity. But now add this to the scenario: The Polish leaders on the flight were on a trip to Russia to honor those who died in Katyn forest 70 years ago.

Former President Lech Walesa, who was wasn’t on the plane, said: “This is so much like Katyn, where our head was cut off.”

Among those killed with President Lech Kaczynski, his wife, his closest aides, lawmakers, army commanders, church figures, were relatives of the victims of the 1940 massacre of Polish officers in Katyn forest. Also, among the dead was Ryszard Kaczorowski, 90, the last leader of the Poland’s exiled resistance government, based in London.

Also killed was, Anna Walentynowicz, 80, an icon of Poland’s Solidarity freedom movement. Workers at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk went on strike when Walentynowicz was fired from her job as a crane operator in August 1980 for her opposition activity. That action sparked strikes that spread quickly to other plants across the country, giving rise to Solidarity, the movement that helped bring down Soviet rule in Poland nine years later.

One further bittersweet synchronicity involving this tragedy. Polish sculptor Wojciech Seweryn, who lived in the Chicago area, died in the crash. Seweryn, 70, designed a memorial to the victims of Katyn that stands in a cemetery in Niles, Illinois. He had made the trip to honor his father, who perished at Katyn  in 1940.

A sad story, filled with irony. It’s almost as if the horror of what happened in that forest 70 years ago, was so powerful that it brought down the plane carrying those who were honoring the dead. In spite of the sadness for all of those who died in the plane crash, there’s also a larger picture, an action of the mass consciousness of a people. In a sense, it was a fitting closure for the many older Polish people on board. At some level in their individual consciousness, they had all agreed to be on this airplane and depart in this manner.

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11 Responses to Air tragedy linked to past

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mind fields are mine fields for the scientific establishment. The collective unconscious is largely seen as fantasy, as are any ideas that suggest a non-physical source of consciousness.

  2. Natalie says:

    Good point about the keys…I like it!

  3. Lawrence says:

    you know it occurred to me when this crash happened that it was a cruel coincidence with the Katyn forest massacre from 1940 and all the further coincidences with that massacre that you detail. I wanted to see if you mentioned this cruel synchronicity on your blog, and lo and behold you did (as I expected really)!

    I think what may be going on is a kind of thought-field/s associated with human consciousness and the collective unconscious and it has its own order and intelligence, its own dynamics of which we are blissfully clueless, but it would help to account for all kinds of synchronicities, although it doesn't explain it, just adds to the mystery. There is an obscure literature on thought-fields or mind-fields (that needs to be expanded on and fleshed out more) but it is entirely neglected and dismissed by the scientific establishment and the like who prefer to look for their lost keys where the light is good, even though they will tell you they lost their keys on the side of the road where there is no light.

  4. terripatrick says:

    This is such a huge story! I'm sure there are even more layers than what you've posted.

    Because of my professional connections with corporate America, I know there are requirements that executives fly on different planes to the same event. So all these stories/souls in one place, on one plane, for an event, in a specific location, affecting an entire country and culture, for generations, past, current and future… it's huge.

    I'm sure there is a Polish writer, or three, already in the process of sharing depths to this story. I will read it, someday, and maybe then understand a sliver of the magnitude of these events.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hey, Gypsy!~ Glad you're on your way back. Reduced! Now that's ironic!

    Djan – sounds like a plausible theory to me.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    absolutely riveting story, trish and rob! just incredible! thank you for such a detailed dramatic synchronicity so beautifully put together! what a poignant tale!

    have so missed you all but will see you soon – will be east bound with morning light!

    wv=redneduc – which i saw as "reduced" at first glance –

  7. simple s. says:

    kind of like a flat tire on the way to one grandparents funeral in front of a piece of property that has the ashes of another grandparents spread out over it….. wv…clingyrt "rt"

  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    This was, and is, an awful tragedy – but I hadn't realised the synchronicity. Food for thought.

  9. Vicki D. says:

    Such a sad story but it does make you think.
    I agree with DJan and had also wondered if this had been something that was agreed upon by these souls.

  10. DJan says:

    This synchronicity has been commented on in other editorials. It is so incredibly sad that Poland has lost so much. I wonder about these things. Can it be that the Katyn horror was just not over yet and needed to be brought into the present time?

  11. Natalie says:

    Terribly eerie.Wow.

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